Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer

in risk •  7 years ago 

Truth be told, various people have different personalities, while one likes experience new things, someone else prefers to do usual deeds that already is proficient at it. Personally, I would rather to try new thing because of some reasons such as: first, this is my inherent feature that I could not get satisfied with repeating the same experiences; second, this, makes life more interesting; and finally, a large number of discoveries are originated from this characteristic. I will elaborate upon my reasons in the next paragraphs.

First and foremost, A vast number of people inherently seek new things. In other words, such persons feel a driving force in their mind that push them towards risky deeds even when they are aware of probable dangers. By way of illustration, I am now 26 years old, and it is about 19 years that I am studying, but in spite of many of other students, almost every year I changed my school before entering to university. In addition, I have studied at three different universities in about seven years. As a matter of fact, while I knew this fact that entering to new environments may be accompanied with a great number of problems such as feeling alone, being , unfamiliar with the space, to name but only two, I did eagerly, and I believe this is my inherent feature.

The second reason that should be taken into consideration is that even individuals who are not interested in taking risks believe that repetitive works are boring, and experiencing new thing is always fascinating. However, some people are worried about the results inasmuch as they never allow themselves to try them. For instance, when I compare my grandmother and myself, I understand that she has an opposite personality from this point of view. As a result, although she has lived about three times of me, her interesting experiences is only a few.

last but not least, whether we are aware of it or not, it is an irrefutable issue that a large number of inventions we see everywhere are results of beautiful minds who pursue changes and new experiences. As an example, if people in many years ago had preferred to their daily works without taking any risk, then human beings never would have experienced cars, airplanes, cell phones, computers, and so on. Actually, still there are a good many undiscovered facts that can be an incentive for us to get interested in seeking new things.

All in all, taking thoroughly all the above mentioned factors into consideration, this conclusion can be drawn that individuals may have numerous reasons to try new things such as: their inherent property, making their lives more fascinating and getting rid of daily tedious deeds, and finally inventing new instruments to name but only a handful. Taking risk is an inevitable part of any success.
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There are a vast number of people who never try to enhance their situation. They are always satisfied with their current position and conditions and even might never think about enrichment. These kind of people have a characteristic who are chiefly static, not active and not attracted in doing new things; however, I have always been allured in trying new things and events. I mostly make a lot of efforts to gain new things that could increase my knowledge and experience in different aspects. Therefore, I really favor the preference of trying new things and taking risks because of the subsequent reasons:

Firstly, it is one of my inherent features that I am indeed interested in taking risk and trying new facets; in fact, I honestly abhor from staying merely in a distinct position and I love to enter into the new space and environment to improve my knowledge and experience. I have been working for a period of time in an engineering company as an engineer in tunnel design. I stood in this position approximately for three years; but, through the time, I feel that I am getting bored every day and, I am not able to continue my job in the current manner; hence, I feel a mighty need to get a new position in my company. Afterward, I asked my boss to give me a new responsibility and, he accepted it willingly. It is almost three years that I am the senior engineer in bridge design group which in this time, I not only could attain a lot of experience and knowledge, but also have feeling of freshness in my soul. Hence, my keen in moving forward and moreover, hating from staying a fixed position, help me to take risks and try new things.

Secondly, as I mentioned, I started my job as a member of bridge design group. It is worth to mention that I had not enough knowledge in this case; but, I accepted this risk for gaining more things. After initiating this responsibility, I could take an overall view to this subject. In addition, I could present myself as a professional in this issue and, I think will be chosen as the head of group in a few years! All of this happening are because of this fact that I have been always supporting this idea that “every person needs to move forward in his/her life”. In another word, taking risks and trying new things will cause that people improve in their professionality, even in the cases that they have no enough knowledge and experience.

As a summary, I truly prefer that try new facets and taking risks; because it is a part of my nature that never admit static position and not moving for a long time; moreover, I will be able to enlarge my knowledge and gain new experience by trying new thing even if it would be needed for taking a tremendous risk.

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Situation dependent. If I have just a little slack, I love to try something new even if it's risky...sometimes you just have to stick to something you know.

Einstein defined insanity as doing the same things over and over again while expecting different results. People do love doing something they were proficient at but to achieved that kind of proficiency requires some changes in the usual aspect of the things they have been doing. Even though some people love to only do something they were good at, sometimes, they took a step further doing something different but still within the scope of what they are proficient at. This makes them good at what they are doing. Doing something that you didn't like for the sake of an experience is a risky and wasteful act which most of the time end up with failure to stick to that particular routine. You can change whatever you want, its your own life, but make sure you do something that signifies where your strength is. It is a foolish errand trying to master anything that we're not interested in, everyone have their own strengths and weaknesses. Know your limit.