[ENG-ESP] Improvising risotto with mustard chicken! // Improvisando risotto con pollo a la mostaza!

in risotto •  3 years ago 

Hello Foodies friends! I came to visit my friend Agustina's house and she asked me to improvise a dinner with what she had in the fridge since she was a bit lazy with the topic of cooking. So checking I found a chicken breast, mustard, cheese, wine, butter and rice. I didn't think about it for a second: Mustard chicken. And it occurred to me as an accompaniment to simply make rice, but to complicate it a bit and make it a slightly more gourmet dish, I decided to make risotto!

Hola amigos de Foodies! Vine de visita a la casa de mi amiga Agustina y me pidió que improvise una cena con lo que tenia en la heladera ya que ella estaba un poco vaga con el tema de ponerse a cocinar. Asi que revisando encontré una pechuga de pollo, mostaza, queso, vino, manteca y arroz. No lo pensé ni un segundo: Pollo a la mostaza. Y se me ocurrio de acompañamiento hacer simplemente arroz, pero para complicarme un poco y que sea un plato un poco mas gourmet decidí hacer risotto!

I started by cooking the broth and reserving it very hot. In a hot pan we put butter

Comencé poniendo a cocer el caldo y reservandolo bien caliente. En una sarten caliente colocamos manteca

We place the chicken cut into cubes in the pan and season. Immediately add the mustard and stir. When it is well cooked we are going to remove it, leaving the liquid base that was left in the pan.

Colocamos el pollo cortado en cubos en la sarten y salpimentamos. Inmediatamente colocamos la mostaza y revolvemos. Cuando esté bien cocido vamos a retirarlo, dejando la base de liquidos que quedó en la sarten.

We are going to place again a piece of butter in the pan with the chicken cooking liquid and right there we are going to place a very small cut onion, right there we are going to place the desired amount of rice.

Vamos a colocar nuevamente un trozo de manteca en la sarten con el liquido de coccion del pollo y ahi mismo vamos a colocar cebolla cortada bien pequeñita, ahi mismo vamos a colocar la cantidad deseada de arroz.



When the rice and onion have a transparent appearance, we are going to open that wine that was left in the kitchen after a meeting and we are going to put a good stream of it and we are going to let the alcohol evaporate. We stir to prevent it from sticking to the pan.

Cuando el arroz y la cebolla tengan una apariencia transparante vamos a abrir ese vino que quedó en la cocina despues de una juntada y vamos a colocarle un buen chorro y vamos a dejar que se evapore el alcohol. Revolvemos para evitar que se pegue a la sarten.

When the wine evaporates, the most "complicated" part comes here. We are going to pour a tablespoon of the broth over the rice. And here is the time to season (I used saffron! You can use the seasonings you want) this will be absorbed by the rice, then you put another tablespoon of broth ... and another ... and another! you are going to do this for about 15 minutes. When the broth is absorbed, you simply add more. At this point you can add the chicken again.

Cuando el vino se evaporó viene aquí viene la parte mas "complicada". Vamos a vertir una cucharada del caldo sobre el arroz. Y aquí es momento de condimentar (yo utlicé azafran! tu puedes utilizar los condimentos que quieras) éste será absorbido por el arroz, entonces le colocas otra cucharada de caldo...y otra....y otra! vas a realizar esto por aproximadamente 15 minutos. Cuando el caldo se absorbe, simplemente le agregas mas. En éste punto ya puedes volver a incoporar el pollo.

Now with the fire off we are going to add the cheese, it should be Parmesan but it only had creamy cheese. It is just as rich, but it does not respect the original risotto recipe.

Ahora con el fuego apagado vamos a agregar el queso, deberia ser parmesano pero solo tenia queso cremoso. Es igual de rico, pero no respeta la receta original del risotto.


and after 18 minutes of cooking, here is the finished dish! a delicious attempt at risotto with mustard chicken, very tasty and very creamy. I hope you have been able to understand my review perfectly, and if not, I hope you are encouraged to leave me your question in the comments!

y luego de 18 minutos de coccion, aquí está el plato terminado! un delicioso intento de risotto con pollo a la mostaza, bien sabroso y bien cremoso. Espero hayas podido entender mi reseta a la perfeccion, y de no haber sido así espero te animes a dejarme tu duda en los comentarios!

Thank you very much for reading my post!
a kiss and a hug, heypuch!

Muchas gracias por leer mi post! un beso y un abrazo, heypuch!
todas las fotos son de mi autoría
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