rLoop conducts ICO: review of the prospective platform

in rloop •  7 years ago 

Today we present to your attention the rLoop project, decentralized platform based on the blockchain. It was created in 2015 in the process of forming a team that was working on the implementation of the idea of the Hyperloop technology. At that time rLoop faced the problem of uniting project enthusiasts located in different parts of the world, of distributing responsibilities between them and of implementing communication.

In the process of working on Hyperloop, the creators of rLoop have an idea of parallel development of another project in the form of a platform that will unite the minds of researchers and scientists from all over the world in working on various projects or in implementing their own ideas.The work in a team at the moment means that people divide the project into small tasks and everyone does their part. However such a system often only hinders ‘brainstorms’ and is a limiting factor.

The organization of the platform and its participants

The rLoop platform can be a place where the work is done in a more creative way. In addition, it has a gradation of evaluations of different projects and pools of resource and researchers. The blockchain and smart contracts make the joint work convenient and reliable for all participants of the platform. Scientists and engineers will be able to be sure that their work will be paid, that the team really performs the task assigned,etc. Also, the platform will have Advisory Council which will deal with a kind of certification of employees, that is, assigning them any qualification ad area. The Council will be able to offer researchers for certain projects and vice versa, that is, to simplify the process of finding their team and project for scientists and engineers.

At the same time,people united by the platform have more rights and opportunities than if they worked for a certain centralized system. It’s the decentralization of scientific development that is one of the most important tasks of rLoop.

Despite the fact that more than a thousand people are already involved in the rLoop project, the platform also has a core team of permanents specialists. They will,as it were, stand at the source of the projects and bring them to the level when it will be possible to attract ‘outside’ engineers. Then they can follow the further development of the project and support it. The basic membership of the platform is experienced specialists who are professionals in more than one field and have experience in the development of projects from the concept stage to its implementation. The professional experience of these people will help in building the reputation of the rLoop platform as a high-class specialist, apart from that, they don’t really manage the platform community, but direct and stimulate, help and support. Such a system will not allow the platform to fall apart, if suddenly all researchers who came of their own will want to leave it (which, of course, is unlikely). Also, it remains decentralized, but there are people on whom you can rely, it is only a plus of the rLoop ecosystem.

Another participants of the rLoop project is people who offer their ideas, skills and knowledge. However, the platform doesn’t force them to do any work, they continue to develop their own innovative projects or voluntarily join a team. Such people also create a reputation for themselves in the framework of a platform,this reputation is built on the basis of many factors. Such an original rating of researchers is aimed at stimulating their activity, identifying an interesting specialization and stopping any destructive actions with regard to the rLoop community.

Here the blockchain begin working, it stores collected information about employees and their established reputation, which can’t be changed without accreditation again. In addition, there will also be information about their work and completed projects which guarantee a fee. Smart contracts are the guarantor of fair and timely payment for work. The completion of the task will be paid for by the inside currency of the rLoop platform-the RLP token, which we discuss in more detail.

The RLP tokens and its functions, the project ICO

The token of the rLoop network is a service token, which will be a confirming factor that indicates the completion of a task. The system of the token was created to first of all support scientists and researchers developing their ideas, to allow them to become visible to the world, etc. But besides this, the RLP has other functions, for examples, simplifying communication between community members or using them as a means of exchange in the course of goods turnover and services. In addition, the token allows the platform to develop and contribute to its integration with the outside world.

The platform will have an Investment council that will carry out a review of potential investors and monitor the proper allocation of funds received.

There is also a Research council overseeing the distribution of large grants. But back to the RLP token. In addition to checking the work done, with its help you can announce your ideas and projects and collect a team for their executionб split projects into parts, and use as a means of payment and for the purchase of paid content.

Companies that were developed and started to develop within rLoop can achieve financial independence and enter the market. Then they go into free swimming, taking with them tokens. So RLP can go beyond the scope of the project and it can be called one of the options for gaining value outside the platform.

To raise funds, the project carries out the ICO, which is taking place right now and will last until 8 September 2018. In total, the platform created a billion RLP tokens, but it is interesting that only 25 percent of them will go for sale. But 60 percent will be in reserve, which will go to further investments, when tokens will gain real value with the development of the platform. Already now you can become an investor if you have a cryptocurrency wallet with bitcoins or ETH. The rate of 1 RLP at the moment is only 0.0008 ETH.

More information about the conditions of ICO and the project can be found on the official website: https://www.rloop.org

and in the White Paper, which can be accessed by following the link: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a96c8e225bf021eda1e901e/t/5b2576068a922d27104a2a79/1529181713994/rLoop+Whitepaper+0.9+1606+1910.pdf

BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4361094.0

BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1460550

The conclusion

Thus, RLP contributes to the growth of the decentralized platform and the development of its community. However, the project needs investments not only in the technological innovations that can be presented within its framework, but also in the rLoop platform itself, as innovative ideas and technological innovations are costly, but, in addition, the creation of the platform itself requires investments that will improve the scalability, software development provision and interface, development of network infrastructure, marketing, etc. The main goal is to expand the platform, to increase market coverage and establish partnerships.

We, in turn, believe that this project is something that the modern scientific world lacked. In the presence of monopolists in the form of the state and large corporations that finance only profitable projects, in fact, the necessary innovations often remain in the shadow and are kept only on the enthusiasm of their creators, for years waiting for investment and support. RLoop can solve this problem and help improve our lives and solve global problems.

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