The review of the rLoop ICO

in rloop •  7 years ago 




The most famous inventor of modern times, Elon Musk understood the problems existing in the transport sphere and put forward the idea of a method for their solution in 2013.Now,after 5 years,enthusiasts from around the world can unite to implement such projects using the rLoop platform.The rLoop project wants to implement the Hyperloop technology with the help of engineers and enthusiasts from around the world, who communicate with each other via the Internet.

What is Hyperloop?

Simply put,hyperloop is a tube through which the cab with passengers will move with the help of vacuum.Depending on the landscape of the territory where it will be build,the speed of transport of passengers will fluctuate between 400 and 1200 km/h.This method can replace trains and airplanes,since it has a sufficiently high speed.

As we’ve already said,in 2013 Elon Musk published technical documentation which is the proof of the feasibility of his idea that is to create a new mode of transport that will be better than the trains,he planes,the ships and the cars that we already know.Why is it better?

Now we’ll find out.

In addition to high speeds,the Musk’s idea can improve all areas of transport and the problems that arise in them.

The Hyperloop technology is environmentally friendly,as it doesn’t use exhaustible natural resources to generate energy and it doesn’t produce harmful exhaust into the atmosphere.It will work using electricity generated by solar panels.In addition,its needs are less than the amount of electricity received.

In addition,this mode of transport will be independent of weather conditions,which sometimes cause transport accidents and panic(hurricanes,floods,heavy snowfalls,etc.).The ticket price will also be several times less than the existing ones at the moment.

Of course,the realization of this technology will change the lives of many people and the world we are familiar with,it remains only to wait for this moment.

The rLoop advantages

As you’ve already understood,the rLoop project team seeks to raise funds for a breakthrough in the transport sector using the Hyperloop technology.In addition,the project also has the following advantages:

The integration with the blockchain will be able to destroy the obstacles that arise when such a large team work,thus it will give to their relationship a more reliable foundation and the use of smart contracts will also help in this.

The RLP tokens are not only a cryptocurrency but also an opportunity for anyone who wants to invest in the company that will soon be able to make a real revolution.With their help,everyone can participate in the process of improving of our lives.

Thus, the rLoop platform becomes an instrument for a safe and transparent investment in our future

In addition,rLoop plans to not limit itself to one project,but in future to become a platform for collecting of investments and personnel to implement other revolutionary projects in the technical sphere.

The project team

As we’ve already said,the project team consists of more than a thousand specialists from several dozen countries, here there are employees of NASA,Tesla and etc.However,at the head of the platform that unites them are only three persons:

And a few more heads of departments:

More information about the team and the project can be found on the official website:

An in the White Paper:


The ICO of the rLoop project is held during 92 days(08.06.2018-08.09.2018).

The pre-sale has already been completed,but until the end of the main stage there is still time.

The RLP token is sold at the rate of 1 RLP = 0,0008 ETH

Soft cap: 28 000 ETH

Hard cap: 200 000 ETH

Total number : 1 billion RLP

For sale: 250 million RLP

The conclusion

We believe that the rLoop platform has taken the right course to promote the development and the implementation of technical innovations in our lives.Starting with such a loud and innovative project,the platform brought together a lot of experienced and professional engineers,whose forces can be directed to the creation of interesting and useful projects in the future.Right now anyone can become investor in future technological projects by purchasing the RLP tokens.At least this project seems to be reliable and attractive investment not only for profit in the future,but also as an instrument to influence the technological development of the whole world.

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