The rLoop project will help to solve the problem of innovation development

in rloop •  7 years ago  (edited)

The rLoop project was created to help various inventors with introducing innovations that improve our lives.Wits its help anyone can join the community of researchers and promote the development and implementation of new technologies or develop their ideas through global integration,giving access to like-minded people and resources around the world.The rLoop platform will encourage people to develop innovative technologies.

The HyperLoop technology of Elon Musk aims to solve one of the most important problems of the modern world- it’s the transport problem.Every day this industry is used by a large part of the population of our planet.Vehicles have evolved over hundreds of years,becoming more convenient and faster,more comfortable for users and those who conduct them.However,the HyperLoop creators think,that now we are seeing far from the final point of development of this industry and it still has much to do.

Perhaps the most significant figure in the field of innovative technologies-Elon Musk-offered Hyperloop technology that we’ll describe below.

What problems will HyperLoop solve?

Now the transport sphere still depends on many external factors and has many problems that Hyperloop technology and the rLoop project can contribute to its development.If you think that now everything is so good,look at these examples:

  1. The environmental problems
    Almost all transports now work on non-renewable energy sources,which first entails the depletion of natural resources,and secondly contributes to the huge amount of harmful emissions that pollute the environment.

  2. The dependance on many factors:

  • transport situation at a particular point in space(it’s necessary to separate airplanes that fly by,there are traffic jams on the roads,and trains often stand waiting for another train to pass along this road,etc.)

  • weather conditions(storms,tempests,snowfalls,floods,etc-all this can create a real traffic collapse and stop traffic completely.In result,it affects passengers and owners of carrier companies that can’t control the weather).

  1. The speed

Vehicles now also have technical speed limits(the car simply can’t accelerate more than the prescribed limit,like any other existing cars),and restrictions on the part of the law(for example,the same car can’t accelerate more than up to 120 km/h,without getting a fine for it).

How will Hyperloop get rid of these disadvantages of the transport system, and what is it?

The Hyperloop technology

The idea of creating this technology is mentioned by Elon Musk in 2012,and a year later the documentation on the description of this invention was already published.Musk suggested creating a new type of transport,which can be represented as a vacuum tube,which seems to shoot a cabin with passengers and cargo.One of its main advantages can be called speed,which can reach 1200 km/h, it even exceeds the speeds of airplanes.

In addition to high speed,transportation with Hyperloop can be called ecological,since the electricity required for it can be generated by solar batteries.Of course,this project sounds almost fantastic,but now in 2018,we already know who is Elon Musk and we can say with confidence that he implements his even the most impracticable ideas.

The rLoop ICO

Token: RLP

Type of the token: ERC 20

Currency to buy: ETH

Softcap: 28.000 ETH

Pre-sale: 08.06-08.07 2018

Crowdsale: 08.07-08.09 2018

Total number of tokens: RLP, which will be distributed as follows:

For sale: 25% (250.000.000 RLP)

In the reserve: 60%

To project team and consultants: 5%

To business partners: 6%

For the Bounty program: 4%

The project roadmap

End of 2018:

Increase the project team

Attract partners and consultants

Closed test project launching


Launching of the first version of the platform

Integration with partners

Creation of test center of the project

Conducting the first trip

Attraction of 7.5 thousand platform participants


Continuation of test launches

Final stage of tests,passing of certification

Platform application release

Achieve 10 thousand users

Developing this system of vacuum movement, there was an idea to create a platform for uniting people's minds around the globe so that such projects as rLoop moved humanity forward.

The rLoop project wishing to implement of such a global platform, has its place.Even small investments in it,in our opinion,can bring bonuses in the future. As in the most of ICOs,the monetization of their investments will have to wait more than one year,but such a project,and especially its implementation can’t go unnoticed and gain popularity.The partnership with the greatest inventor of our time-Elon Musk whose ideas ,as we think, can be trusted, gives special weight to the project.If you want to invest not only to make a profit ,but also to improve the life of the whole world and support innovative technologies-the rLoop project is created for you.

For more details visit the project official website:

or read the WhitePaper:




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