Tryingtodoart #16 - A list of things I won't talk about today

in ro •  8 years ago  (edited)

While editing some pictures I took in 2011, from a folder called Aged City, I was thinking what to write about.

I picked 5 pictures. My first thought was to talk about watermarks. I think these were the first pictures where I added a corner watermark. But my watermark was horrible. Actually all of them. So why talking about them in the first place?

Second thought was to talk a bit about compositions. But just for a bit and just about some basic stuff. But then I said...these surely know enough the about the rule of thirds, diagonals, spirals, golden numbers.

Third thought was...why black and white? And I realized I kind of already mentioned why, from my perspective, black and white photography is better.

4th thought was to talk a bit again about architecture in photography.

5th - about light and shadow.

When I ended the list I decided to keep it short. Just a list for now. I need not only to post more, but get out and shoot more, read more, and edit more, before being able to be competent enough at it. It's not like I'm tryingtoteachphotography....that's too long to start with anyway, I'm just tryingtodoart here.

Oh...and offtopic... watermarks are just crap :)) tried a bunch of them, but I don't really see their purpose unless they are on Shutterstock and they are all over the picture so getting them off is a real struggle. Otherwise, they are quite useless.

Offtopic #2: keep in mind those thirds, diagonals, spirals, positive/negative space, look for cool shadows etc. and you will do great out there with your camera.

Here are some pictures from an "Aged City".

Aged City-3_S.jpg

Aged City-1_S.jpg

Aged City-_S.jpg

S_Aged City-2.jpg

Aged City-4_S.jpg

I wish you all a great Sunday and, as always, thank you for stopping by!

TTDA Portfolio & TTDA Instagram

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fantastic series - especially love the one with a look from above

Who needs 'thoughts' with images like these?