Q1 Review; The 2018 Roadmap For This Human.

in roadmap •  7 years ago 


Many moons ago, I authored a post titled The 2018 Roadmap For This Human. It was supposed to be me putting to practice the principle of writing down your goals if you really want to achieve them. It was a big deal. I mean, it's going to remain on the blockchain forever! What if I didn't end up meeting the targets? Well, it was the new year, everyone was in high spirits so I damned the consequences and went ahead to publish it.

In a few weeks, the first quarter of the year would be over and I ideally should have waited till then to do a review but I believe doing it now will help keep me on my toes instead of slacking and missing targets.

Here's what I said at the start of the year;

Create and stick to a writing schedule.
Curate and encourage quality content.
Evolve @onequality fully into a community run account.
Launch something on Steem.
Celebrate my birthday ;)

How Well Have I Done? 🤔

  • Create And Stick To A Writing Schedule.

I think the only writing schedule I have created thus far is to make sure that I publish a post every day. That is definitely not what I had in mind when I wrote down this point in January but at least I did something yeah? I might not have gotten subjects for each day of the week but I have stuck to a different form of the same thing. I'm probably being partial here and giving myself too much praise 😏. Moving on...

  • Curate And Encourage Quality Content.

Err... Encourage quality content? Well, I've been curating content but have I been encouraging quality? I think I have been doing that. I have come to understand that the task of the curator might be the most difficult task here on Steem but somebody has to do it lol. So clearly, encouraging quality content goes beyond rewarding those who already try to uphold the standards to also getting more people to join the ranks of quality content creators. 🤔

  • Evolve @onequality Fully Into A Community Run Account.

This is in motion already, although not in full gear yet. We now have editors and writers in charge of creating content for the blog. We haven't even scratched the surface with this as there's so much more that can be done in this space. Anyone with ideas is free to hop into our secret bunker.

  • Launch something on Steem.

For this one, there's nothing. Sadly. Or should I say there's nothing YET! Or maybe there's something coming very soon and it's got the power to make you super excited. Either way, there's nothing much to talk about here. Moving on... 🚶

  • Celebrate my birthday ;)

Damn it bruh, you're old! 🙆🏽‍♂️


So the truth is, writing down your goals/plans in places where you'd be able to always refer back to is way better than (or more efficient than) having it all in your head. I mean, when you eventually become an old man like me, you'll realise there's only so much that box on your neck can hold and recollect at every time.

That will be all for today! 😁

Write that goal down!

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Sometimes... It can be quite daunting to have to write goals out but I still think it is the most effective way to attaining greater heights. Very educative piece.


I don't write down my goals. I am one person that takes it one day at a time although over the years I've come to realize the importance of goals written and spelt out. It is a subtle reminder of what you planned out to achieve and how well or how bad you have done. Still trying to be faithful in following it anyways. It's good to know so far you are doing great with your own set out goals @fisteganos

I used to write down my plans for the year but stopped two years ago when i started living a routine life. Thanks for the reminder, there is so much to do.

Hello. Nice plans. I'd really like to see Onequality evolve as you've dreamed. Got in recently and I share your enthusiasm on it as it is something I believe would be of immense help to Nigerians here who really want to create quality content.
As for your birthday, you really have to celebrate it no matter how old you've gotten. Life should be appreciated always. Cheers! :-)

Keep crushing your goals bro.

Writing down set goals and plans is a step towards achieving the goal in theory, putting some actions portrays a practical step towards achieving our goals with God on our side.
Writing the goals with constant visits to written goals reminds us of the need to be up and doing bearing in mind set objectives.
Achieving more than 50% of set goals is a cool one
I believe in documenting goals/plans.

Amazing brother, I might need to make a similar roadmap too. Goodluck bro

Writing mine down 🏃🏃🏃🏃

What's the maximum contribution an investor can put it? 10 BTC any good? :)
Your roadmap looks great, can't wait for the contribution to start :)

Wait for the link to the whitelist. You have to apply for that before your contributions can be valid.

@fisteganos. What a wonderful write up you have here.

I think the only writing schedule I have created thus far is to make sure that I publish a post every day. That is definitely not what I had in mind when I wrote down this point in January but at least I did something yeah?

I also had these dreams of doing more than a single post, but i guess i am also doing an average of one post a day [hides face], atleast this helps to contribute in our own little way to mine steem from the blockchain.

I am gonna print out my goals and carry it everywhere i go lol.

You've not done badly either. But its good you still have your eyes on getting better.

That's what the life of a champion is, always wanting more, never satisfied with good when there is better.

Writing down goals really do help in pushing us further. It is one thing i have been shying away from for a while, but i really started this year and i guess i will do my review soon too. It's good to see you are doing great and on track. More Grace brother.

He says he is old! lordie dod!!