The road to Steem Fest | Fears

in roadtosteemfest •  5 years ago 

SteemFest is just around the corner and the anxiety is building up. What seemed to be too much fun before is slowly sinking in with some missing heart beats. For sure SteemFest is not going to be all fun fun, there is so much to it.

From my blogs may be I seem to be a very chattery person, but in real I am exactly the opposite. It takes some time for me to reach out to people and initiate conversations. I get cold on this part. Once the ice breaks then I am fine and there is no trouble in making conversations but the initial break through is very important for me. There are times in such situation when I am at loss of words or I do miss out on my words also or I may say something very gibberish. So this is what is exactly haunting me and making me nervous for the Fest. How am I going to do my first time conversations with people around. Am I going to be meaningful or am I going to sound something very silly and stupid.
This always happens to me, the comfort level building does take some time. Though I know quite a few people but I am sure when I meet them in real I am going to be at loss of words not knowing what exactly to talk to them and in the bargain I hope I am not going to make a fool of myself :-)

I don't like participating too much in group activities, there is some fear that what if I am not able to contribute to the group and then how will people judge me, so I always fear this part when I am getting into with big groups for events like this. How will I be perceived. All of this happens for a short duration, just the beginning times, but yes it is dreadful for me and I do get cold. Otherwise I can throw myself out with full confidence once I am into it but just those first initial moments are very crucial. Either I make it or break it.

And I definitely look upto @celestal for the sideckick as I know that for sure one of the nights I may need some handling...hahaha, but ya I will try to behave :-)

As the day is getting closer it is all a mixed feeling. I am getting nervous, excited, feeling happy and then also have this feeling of don't know what to do. Like today morning I was just getting things in place for self with all my bookings and I could not find my SteemFest ticket on my email. I had done the booking in mid Aug and after that have loads of emails so this was lost somewhere, for a while I was nervous thinking I lost my ticket and how will I now manage it, but eventually found it. So I guess these are the effects of anxiety that is building up for the Fest.

Anyways life is all fun if we want it to be, so let's just be calm and I am sure it's all all going to be fine and wonderful.

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"What kind of Relationship is most vital to long term Happiness; Family, Friendship or Romantic?"
What is the root of conflict between mankind? What needs are not being met? @ecoTrain QOTW
"The road to Steem Fest - Three truths, one lie"
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wish I could go but not this year :(

It's ok my friend, next year for sure. I am also going for the first time in 2.5 years of joining Steemit :-)

Yeah maybe next year, depends on how much it will cost :)

Maybe next time will meet all of the amazing Steem users under one roof. Enjoy to the fullest that I must say !!

Sure, we will. Thank you :-)

I don't like participating too much in group activities, there is some fear that what if I am not able to contribute to the group and then how will people judge me, so I always fear this part when I am getting into with big groups for events like this ....... - dear, the same about me! :)

I wish you all the best at this event, and I am sure Steemfest will be friendly to you!

Yes, I am sure it will be a good time, but would have been nice to have you also around. Hopefully next year my dear :-)

All the best. I am also like you, a nervous person who does not exactly look all chatty but can write without inhibition but when it comes to talking face to face, it is hard. Hope we Indians can all meet sometime.
All the best for your trip and expecting lots of photo posts.

We can have a Steemit meet somewhere in India, I will surely join if it is planned. I am not sure why we are not planning any internally :-(

I don't like participating too much in group activities, there is some fear that what if I am not able to contribute to the group

Avoid the round tables then, I know I will be! Reminds me too much of being at work.

Oh yes, I am not getting into the round tables. I want to keep it as light as possible :-) See you around in a few days time

for sure!

We will all be optimistic and life will change for the better. Thank you for a great post. Good luck and good mood.

Thank you :-)

Take no pressure on how you should behave - Steemians are very open minded and don't impose strict social codes of "how you should be". Hang around, just listen or talk, doesn't matter. People are there to enjoy, not policing others.

Usually just saying hi to someone because you know them somewhere is a good enough opener for a conversation and even if you went completely blank, the person you said hi to would only feel flattered for making such an impression on you.

And I definitely look upto @celestal for the sideckick as I know that for sure one of the nights I may need some handling

Yeah, I have a tendency to start looking after others if things start going bit too far, though I can't 100% guarantee I'm not gonna be the one to look after, lol, 'cause stuff's so crazy in Steemfest, you know 😅

Posted using Partiko Android I can say my support system is 50 50 as of now. Anyways see you around in a few days time

I hope you have fun at SteemFest!
I envy you, I couldn’t get enough days off to go, but maybe next year. If you fear round tables perhaps you should face your fear in this low stress abd friendly atmosphere? 🤔
What is the dolphin council?
I like your “footers” 😀
Did you make them?

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