🎃 Roblox MeepCity Gameplay! HAUNTED HOUSE! Glitch into the house's candy giver area! Jump Scare & LOUD WARNING!
-- Use these time point to skip to the section in the video:
0:00:22 Haunted House Tour - Warning of JUMP SCARE!
0:02:54 Got a Trophy and a badge!
0:03:15 Putting the Trophy in my school house!
0:04:08 Well Halloween is sort of over so I'm changing my meep back to normal!
0:05:01 Changing up my look too!
0:06:43 Nah I like my own look better!
0:07:07 Playing Catching with Chocolate!
0:08:03 Check out this person's Halloween Castle!!!
0:10:26 I didn't notice the new stuff in the furniture store!
0:11:25 Chocolate glitched into the Candy Giver area and I will teleport to her to show you!
0:13:47 Starting another round of Catching game with chocolate!
-- Chloe Roblox Store (GET IT NOW)
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-- Roblox MeepCity by alexnewtron
-- About MeepCity [🎃HAUNTED HOUSE] Â
- 🎃The Haunted House is here! Slowly walk through the haunted house with friends and earn a trophy at the end! Happy Halloween!
- Enjoy the Haunted House until the end of the weekend, where it'll soon be replaced by something new...
- Added a few new Halloween-themed flooring in the Home Improvement store!
Roblox MeepCity Created 2/25/2016, Updated 10/31/2018, Max Players 120, Genre Town and City. (Online Multiplayer Game, #MeepCity)
-- Yesterday Gamelog
Roblox Mining Simulator Gameplay! 2X CANDY! 3 DARKNESS PACK Giveaway! Getting Cursed Skull! Loud Warning! - https://chloetuberchannel.blogspot.com/2018/10/roblox-mining-simulator-2x-candy-3.html
Let me know in the comment what game you would like to see me play.
I Love you all Chloe Tubers!
Roblox MeepCity Gameplay / KawaiiChloeLim November 2018 Gamelog / #ChloeLim Channel / #MeepCity, #Roblox