CMUcam5 Pixy object tracking code

in robot •  7 years ago  (edited)

The code:


// begin license header


// This file is part of Pixy CMUcam5 or "Pixy" for short


// All Pixy source code is provided under the terms of the

// GNU General Public License v2 (

// Those wishing to use Pixy source code, software and/or

// technologies under different licensing terms should contact us at

// [email protected]. Such licensing terms are available for

// all portions of the Pixy codebase presented here.


// end license header


#include <SPI.h>

#include <Pixy.h>

#define X_CENTER 160L

#define Y_CENTER 100L

#define RCS_MIN_POS 0L

#define RCS_MAX_POS 1000L


class ServoLoop



ServoLoop(int32_t pgain, int32_t dgain);

void update(int32_t error);

int32_t m_pos;

int32_t m_prevError;

int32_t m_pgain;

int32_t m_dgain;


ServoLoop panLoop(200, 200); // Servo loop for pan

ServoLoop tiltLoop(150, 200); // Servo loop for tilt

ServoLoop::ServoLoop(int32_t pgain, int32_t dgain)



m_pgain = pgain;

m_dgain = dgain;

m_prevError = 0x80000000L;


void ServoLoop::update(int32_t error)


long int vel;

char buf[32];

if (m_prevError!=0x80000000)


vel = (error*m_pgain + (error - m_prevError)*m_dgain)>>10;

//sprintf(buf, "%ld\n", vel);

// Serial.print(buf);

m_pos += vel;

if (m_pos>RCS_MAX_POS)

  m_pos = RCS_MAX_POS;

else if (m_pos<RCS_MIN_POS)

  m_pos = RCS_MIN_POS;

//cprintf("%d %d %d\n", m_axis, m_pos, vel);


m_prevError = error;




int leftSpeed;

int rigthSpeed;

int leftDir;

int rightDir;



  leftSpeed = 9;

  rigthSpeed = 10;

  leftDir = 4;

  rightDir = 7;

  pinMode(leftDir, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(rightDir, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(leftSpeed, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(rigthSpeed, OUTPUT);

  //Enable the Motor Shield output;  

pinMode(6, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(6, HIGH);


int setLeftSpeed(int speed){

  if(speed > 0){//forward

      digitalWrite(leftDir, HIGH);

      analogWrite(leftSpeed, speed);


      digitalWrite(leftDir, LOW);

      analogWrite(leftSpeed, speed);


}//end set

int setRightSpeed(int speed){

   if(speed > 0){

      digitalWrite(rightDir, HIGH);

      analogWrite(rigthSpeed, speed);


      digitalWrite(rightDir, LOW);

      analogWrite(rigthSpeed, speed);


}//end set


Pixy pixy;

void setup()






uint32_t lastBlockTime = 0;

DCMOTORS motors;


// Main loop - runs continuously after setup


void loop()


uint16_t blocks;

blocks = pixy.getBlocks();

// If we have blocks in sight, track and follow them

if (blocks)


int trackedBlock = TrackBlock(blocks);


lastBlockTime = millis();


else if (millis() - lastBlockTime > 100)







int oldX, oldY, oldSignature;


// Track blocks via the Pixy pan/tilt mech

// (based in part on Pixy CMUcam5 pantilt example)


int TrackBlock(int blockCount)


int trackedBlock = 0;

long maxSize = 0;

// Serial.print("blocks =");


for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)


if ((oldSignature == 0) || (pixy.blocks[i].signature == oldSignature))


  long newSize = pixy.blocks[i].height * pixy.blocks[i].width;

  if (newSize > maxSize)


    trackedBlock = i;

    maxSize = newSize;




int32_t panError = X_CENTER - pixy.blocks[trackedBlock].x;

int32_t tiltError = pixy.blocks[trackedBlock].y - Y_CENTER;



pixy.setServos(panLoop.m_pos, tiltLoop.m_pos);

oldX = pixy.blocks[trackedBlock].x;

oldY = pixy.blocks[trackedBlock].y;

oldSignature = pixy.blocks[trackedBlock].signature;

return trackedBlock;



// Follow blocks via the Zumo robot drive


// This code makes the robot base turn

// and move to follow the pan/tilt tracking

// of the head.


int32_t size = 400;

void FollowBlock(int trackedBlock)


int32_t followError = RCS_CENTER_POS - panLoop.m_pos; // How far off-center are we looking now?

// Size is the area of the object.

// We keep a running average of the last 8.

size += pixy.blocks[trackedBlock].width * pixy.blocks[trackedBlock].height;

size -= size >> 6;

// Forward speed decreases as we approach the object (size is larger)

int forwardSpeed = constrain(400 - (size/256), -100, 400);

// Steering differential is proportional to the error times the forward speed

int32_t differential = (followError + (followError * forwardSpeed))>>8;

// Adjust the left and right speeds by the steering differential.

int leftSpeed = constrain(forwardSpeed + differential, -400, 400);

int rightSpeed = constrain(forwardSpeed - differential, -400, 400);

// And set the motor speeds





// Random search for blocks


// This code pans back and forth at random

// until a block is detected


int scanIncrement = (RCS_MAX_POS - RCS_MIN_POS) / 150;

uint32_t lastMove = 0;

void ScanForBlocks()


if (millis() - lastMove > 20)


lastMove = millis();

panLoop.m_pos += scanIncrement;

if ((panLoop.m_pos >= RCS_MAX_POS)||(panLoop.m_pos <= RCS_MIN_POS))


  tiltLoop.m_pos = random(RCS_MAX_POS * 0.6, RCS_MAX_POS);

  scanIncrement = -scanIncrement;

  if (scanIncrement < 0)










  delay(random(175, 250));


pixy.setServos(panLoop.m_pos, tiltLoop.m_pos);



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