Tech News: Robot Solves Rubiks and Sets a New Speed Record!

in robot •  7 years ago 

As the world becomes more technologically focused engineers remain remarkably human when thinking of new use cases for their inventions, use cases that connect to the human spirit...

It seems that the Rubiks Cube is an essential stage of childhood fun but it also presents an opportunity to compete. This is where robotic engineers step in to battle each other because lets be honest, chess is just a bit too dry for some...

Robots have once again shown their superiority to humans, this time by solving a Rubik's Cube in less than half a second. The new build, created by software developer Jared Di Carlo and MIT Biometrics Lab Master’s student Ben Katz, can solve a 3X3 square Rubik’s Cube in just .38 seconds.

This is pretty insane, that it can complete the rubiks in under half a second! I mean what more could you want from your robot. Hey robot, go solve my rubiks for me!

It is important to note that Humans have steadily increased their Rubik’s cube solving speed over the past few decades. Sadly, they are nowhere near the ability to match the speed of a capable robot! Here's another fact for the old noggin, when it comes to the current human world record holder, SeungBeom Cho, he was able to solve the cube in a breackneck time of 4.59 seconds. This new robot discussed has him beat by 4 seconds!

Get a look at this record setting robot here:

What do you guys think of this news? Is it interesting or do you think engineers should be working on better use cases that actually may have some benefit to humanity?


Watch a Robot Solve a Rubik's Cube in Less Than Half a Second - Motherboard

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Robot take over has begun. What jobs will survive? I guess we will just live on Steem rewards :-).

But there are also Bots on Steemit. So I think there will no work be left in future. Hopefully you own a robot, so he works for you!


Robot nya bagus nice

It seems a trivial thing to get a robot to do, but we need to be able to code and engineer these simple intelligent movements here first. The code and processes can then easily be built on and expanded for actually human advancement use cases.


I thought this was super cool so I showed my son. He saw it a long time ago and was not impressed. I guess he wants to see a robot fabricate and then solve a 12 x 12 cube in under .25 seconds. Of course, I played with sticks when I was growing up so I guess it takes less to impress me.

The human record for solving a Rubik's cube is 4.904 seconds, set by 14-year-old​ Lucas Etter last year. And in recent days another youth completed the task in 4.74 seconds.

The artificial intelligence and robots can definitely change the human lifestyle if used for the welfare of the humanity.

I love to learn about technology.

We won´t be able to compete with anything -.-

Here robot, take my job, make me homeless.

i don't know if robots with help or destroy humanity :(

I cannot even look that fast ^^

For the technology we have now... that's no new. Robot nowadays can even kill human. Look at those new war machine they are heartless killer. That rubics robot is cute but I doubt if its really harmless. xD;