Steemit Exclusive Premiere: Low Cut High Tops - Typical

in rock •  7 years ago  (edited)

I hate to tell you guys this but rock is dead. Led Zeppelin who? Sex Pistols who? There’s no new sound disrupting the pool of Taylor Swift or Beyonce wannabes. It’s wholesome passive cherry pie pop from here on out. Or is it??? Ladies and gents, and all Steemitarians … contrary to what I just said, rock, in fact, is very much alive thank you very much. Yes, yes, the edgy sounds of garage rock that you’ve been missing out on are going strong thanks in part to the Seattle based solo artist Low Cut High Tops.

David Burns, the man behind Low Cut High Tops does it all. He’s been cranking his crafted sound from his bedroom—writing, producing, mixing, and creating some of the most memorable sounds with equally impressionable lyrics since before he slapped us with his debut album Eh, Whatever in 2016. Similar to his attitude, Low Cut High Tops’ music bites you where it hurts but leaves you coming back for more.

Pulling inspiration from everyday life and basic people, Low Cut High Tops address the meaning of life and relationships but with a fiery tone making any other genre sound as if it were written for a Disney movie.

Already receiving praise from Noisey, Vice, Indie Shuffle, American Pancake and We Are: The Guard, David Burns is creating an undeniable sound that can not be ignored. Commercially speaking, his music a necessity that is why it is with pleasure that we share with you the exclusive premiere of his latest single “Typical.” Let the anthemic electronics, avant-garde atmospherics, and unwashed garage rock take over you. Listen below:


In a different time, “Typical” would be applauded, but this doesn’t seem to phase Low Cut High Tops one bit. As long as today’s culture continues with the norm, David Burns will continue to release unapologetic music.

Enjoy the premiere of Low Cut High Tops "Typical" and if you like what you hear spread the word about the artist! You can also support the exclusive premiere of “Typical” by liking it on DSound.

For more on Low Cut High Tops:

#music #rock #indie #grunge #indierock #premiere #exclusive #altpop

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Thank you for releasing this exclusive premiere in steemit! Good luck to Low Cut High Tops and I wish him a lot of success :)

Appreciate the love and support on this release @the-alien . I think #Steemit is the way to go when for music exclusives.