Getting rid of people.

in rockefellar •  4 years ago 


John D Rockefeller Jr was the big money man behind the startup of Planned Parenthood in the 1930s, when it was only a birth control organization.

At this time, the Rockefellers supported Adolf Hitler, financed the Third Reich, and supplied it with oil.

The Rockefellers were part of repeated plotting to remove FDR in a coup as they supported Hitler, as revealed by both the top commander of the US Army and the US Ambassador to the Third Reich.

Margaret Sanger, the Founder of Planned Parenthood, stated that its purpose was to get rid of the unfit, including poor white and minority populations.

Planned Parenthood still focuses mainly on black and Hispanic neighborhoods.

Adolf Hitler acknowledged the American eugenicists (including John D Rockefeller Jr. and Andrew Carnegie) for the idea of getting rid of unfit people, in his book, Mien Kampf, written in 1924.

US, British, and German bankers and industrialists financed German steel and chemical industry after WWI. They financed Adolf Hitler since 1919.

Their hub corporation of German industry was I. G. Farben. The headquarters of I. G. Farben was built on land owned by the Rothschilds, in Germany. The executives of this super-corporation directly advised Hitler, Himmler, and Göring, and provided intelligence to the Wehrmacht.

The invasions of the Third Reich were the invasions of the international bankers and industrialists.

The Blitzkrieg rolled on Rockefeller fuel in trucks with Ford engines and Stuka dive bombers with Chevy engines.

US Corporations, including Rockefeller financing, railroad, and oil corporations, plus General Electric, ITT telephone, and IBM helped I. G. Farben build Auschwitz.

Prescott Bush used Auschwitz concentration camp labor in his steel mill in Silesia in Poland. Bush lost his directorship in UBC bank for Trading With The Enemy, in 1942.

After WWII, forty international bankers and industrialists created the CIA from their OSS, and the Rockefellers and Bushes ran it.

Prescott Bush financed Richard Nixon’s career in Congress. In 1952, Prescott Bush financed the Eisenhower/Nixon ticket.

Nelson Rockefeller was the big money man behind Nixon’s campaign for President, in 1968.

Every single US President since WWII was financed and/or advised by the Bushes, Rockefellers, and Rothschilds.

Prescott Bush financed Planned Parenthood. George H. W. Bush had to give up his support of Planned Parenthood as the Vice President nominee in the 1980 election, under the Rockefeller-financed and Bush-CIA-advised Ronald Reagan.

The Rockefeller and Rothschild commercial bankers were both Obama and McCain’s top donors in 2008. They financed both Hillary and Jeb Bush with hundreds of millions of dollars during the 2016 primaries.

The Hillary campaign was advised by the long-time Bush/Rockefeller man and former CIA controller Henry Kissinger, who literally sleeps in the Bush camp at the Bush/Rockefeller retreat, Bohemian Grove, near San Francisco each year.

Obama facilitated big bank establishment oil wars in eight nations. He bailed out the big banks but not most homeowners that were facing foreclosure.

The Rockefellers’ Johns Hopkins Medical School brought “modern medicine” for profit to China.

The Rockefellers were behind the One Child Rule in China.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds helped to develop the stock market in China.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds now control Iraq’s oil. They sell it mostly to China.

Over two million people were killed in US oil wars since 1991. US taxpayers borrowed over six trillion dollars for this, which was added to our National Debt.

Big bank establishment US trade deals including NAFTA and TPP, and agricultural trade, favored China over the US economy and US workers.

Abortion is not a progressive cause. It’s part of a century-old strategy to eliminate the people who the biggest international bankers and industrialists want to get rid of.

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