The Rockefeller commercial banks, Chase and Citi, and the other two Big Four US Banks were both Obama and McCain’s top donors in 2008 as they ran against each other.
Obama facilitated Rockefeller oil wars in eight nations and his war adviser was David Rockefeller’s right hand man, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Obama’s adviser on big bank bailouts without help for most homeowners facing foreclosure was Ben Bernanke, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System, who Obama inherited from George W. Bush. Then, Obama reinstated Bernanke.
Obama was financed and advised by the Rockefellers and he did their bidding on oil wars, big bank bailouts, and fast-tracking the TPP trade deal.
The Democrat vs Republican politics is usually just a scam. But, the religious right broke away from politics as usual and voted for Tea Party politicians. The Tea Party was really a third party. Religious Right Tea Party voters were the core of the Trump supporters.
The Rockefellers and Rothschilds created and run the private Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which influences US foreign policy (oil wars).
The CFR’s historic list members includes Presidents, Vice Presidents, Supreme Court Justices, US military generals, CIA directors, news media leaders, and Hollywood producers.
Joe Biden is a longtime CFR member.
The Rockefeller and Rothschild oil corporations now control Iraq’s oil. They sell it mostly to China.
Congress borrowed over six trillion dollars for oil wars since 1991. Over two million people were killed in our name.
Brzezinski said that the US wars were to control the flow of all of the oil in the world in order to control Eurasia (economically).
Russia and China are in Eurasia.
Trump ousted his adviser John Bolton for trying to start new oil wars in Iran and Venezuela, saying that Bolton was trying to start WWIII. Russia and China protect Syria, Iran, and Venezuela militarily.
Trump signed a peace deal in Afghanistan and ordered all US troops out of Syria. Obama said that Trump failed to live up to his obligation to continue the oil war in Iraq.
The big banks, defense industry, pharmaceutical and health insurance corporations are the top donors to most members of Congress.
Congress blocked Trump’s efforts to pull US troops out of Syria, saying that we had to stay in order to protect the Kurds.
We did not kill 500,000 people in Syria to protect the Kurds.
Princeton University has found that most members of Congress mostly do what their top donors want them to do. Voters get what they want about 30% of the time, no matter who sits in Congress.
Mussolini called this type of system “corporatism”. But, we normally call it fascism when the banks and corporations have so much control over the government.
If this does not undermine your faith in the democratic process then may God help you. Princeton says that we don’t really have a democracy in the US.
Two thirds of Trump voters believe that massive election fraud undermined the 2020 election. Ten percent of Democrats agree.
This means that over 50 million Americans think that the election was rigged (like the CIA rigs other elections in other nations).
Biden has already escalated the killing of innocent people in our name in Syria and Somalia.
In the next two months, Texas will decide whether or not to officially start discussing secession.
They are calling this the Texit movement. Texit like Brexit. A few other Red states are watching Texas closely.