The Constitution was a peace-treaty.

in roe •  2 years ago 


Dear Jesus-Cultists,

The Constitution was a peace-treaty.

The framers wrote it so that you could worship your Cannanite war-god and indulge in your ritualized cannibalism and your ritualized drowning, and do so in peace, so long as you didn't force it on other people. We built a plural society: Hindus worship their gods freely, while the rest of us are free to slaughter cows because steaks are part of our culture. Jews are free to wear little round hats, or circumcise their sons, or teach their children the Torah, and they have done so for centuries without ever once threatening the rest of us with arrest for an intact foreskin or for eating a ham and cheese sandwich. Muslims worship freely, bow in prayer five times a day, and the rest of us go on eating BBQ pork-ribs, drinking wine, and praying or not as we see fit.

You were free to decide to have children, or not. You were free to teach your children that they must not have sex until marriage, or they must not believe in evolution, or they must not believe that the earth is 4.3 billion years old, or that they must not have an abortion. None of us were going to use the power of the state to force your children to have an abortion. None of us were going to use the power of the state to force your children to have sex before marriage.

Now, you use the power of the state to force our wives and daughters to bear children they did not want. Now you use the power of the state to force women to bear the children of their rapists. Now you use the power of the state to force the women we love to die rather than to have access to the care that will ensure their survival. Now you bring your churches into our schools, and attempt to lure our children into your fucked up religious cult.... and you expect us to be POLITE to you?

You use the power of the state to demand that the female half of this country has fewer rights than a non-sentient embryo, fewer rights than even a dead body... and you want respect?

Having decided to force your fucked up religious cult on our society, you can stop pretending that you deserve civility.

The Constitution was a peace treaty, Jesus-cultists, and you deserve whatever comes next.

Christian friends who understand that we live(d) in a pluralistic society and who feel that your religious faith should guide your own behavior, do not believe for a single moment that we despise you or have anything other than love and respect for you. You are not responsible for the acts of your co-religionists.

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