Oxygen returning.

in rogan •  3 months ago 


Listening to Marc Andreessen on Rogan reminded me how much expanding government crushes all innovation.

He discussed the regulatory capture (essentially the near ownership of industries by the government) that expanded under Obama and Biden, which finally caused him to leave the Democrat party and support Trump.

The one time in history that we have right now to deconstruct the beast and lift the boot off the neck of all entrepreneurs to innovate and disrupt the corporatist behemoths that have sold their souls to the Deep State in exchange for regulatory protection against competition is so exciting!

I am looking forward to the Golden Age of innovation and expansion kicking off in the coming years, and am truly excited for the potential it brings for our kids and future generations to grow into.

The fact that he and Rogan both admitted that Trump winning feels like oxygen returning just shows how much the insanity of wokism and Marxism was oppressing us all the past decade.

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