Meet the fake news liberal AP hitman out to get Rokita

in rokita •  6 years ago 

Something stinks to high heaven in Indiana

Rokita Slodysko Linked IN.png
(Slodysko's LinkedIn page:

The Rokita attacks on WIBC made me dig deeper all the way down to look at the AP writer whose work originated the source material for smear articles that are heavy on innuendo and assumption, while long on shadowy unnamed sources who won't go on the record.

A week ago I was planning to vote for Mike Braun because I believed the fake news that Rokita is an elite and fake MAGA. Today I don't and will probably vote for Todd Rokita.

Please join me as I guide you through an Indiana local fake news odyssey that almost deceived me.

Indiana's Senate race is looking to be a close 3-way race, but would it be if there wasn't a fake news agitator in the middle of it? Any serious MAGA Trump supporter can talk to you for hours about the anti-Trump fake news. It's real.

Fake news is so serious that media analyst Mark Dice's book is a 5-Star best seller on Amazon. Dice enjoys over a million You Tube followers and is harassed constantly by demonetization and censorship. It can be argued his entertaining videos have a bigger audience than Fake News CNN.

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Mark Dice asks what are the real world effects of fake news stories that go viral. That's a great question. In Indiana it could mean that we replace Democrat Senator Joe Donnelly with former long time Democrat Mike Braun posing as a MAGA candidate in the GOP primary. It could mean a U.S. Senator who votes for tax increases.

Braun served as an Indiana state representative and supported 45 state tax increases. That's not MAGA! He authored the bill for one of Indiana's biggest tax increases . . . the gas tax. Braun didn't try to streamline government or push for fiscal accountability. That's not MAGA!

I was triggered to research this story when the state's largest newstalk station WIBC started an obvious smear campaign on Todd Rokita via one of its producers and on air talents, Rob Kendall. The first segment of this story includes screen shots of Rob's public hysterics against Rokita.

"Todd Rokita makes WIBC 93.1 act like Fake News"

Kendall's smears are based on AP stories written by a liberal. AP writers count on most readers not moving past a headline and the first few paragraphs. A headline alone could sink a person's campaign if the story went viral enough. The Associated Press (AP) is a U.S.-based not-for-profit news agency headquartered in New York City. New York City is so liberal that people there are protesting popular Chick-fil-A restaurants.

The truth is that the Associated Press is the underlying source of a huge majority of news articles that circulate virally among many news outlets. One locally generated AP story can influence millions of people depending on how many news outlets reprint and share its content.

An AP writer like Brian Slodysko who studied at the University of Washington wouldn't be biased against Trump or strong conservative MAGA candidates, would he? That school is tolerant of conservatives, right?

Think again. The University of Washington liberal indoctrination center has been in the news recently for it's violent agitators attacking Trump supporters.

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Here are the two AP articles Slodysko wrote about Rokita. Read them carefully yourself. Look for named sources for his accusations. Then google and see if you can figure out how many news outlets repeated his shady reporting.

"APNewsBreak :Indiana GOP locked candidate out of database"

Turns out nothing to see here. Todd said something and they let him back in after looking into the accusations. We don't know who accused him. How can we trust Slodysko's cowardly cloaked sources? Has anyone ever lied about you?

"APNewsBreak: Trump campaign rebukes Indiana candidate signs"

Turns out nothing to see here either. Again the story quotes shadowy sources who aren't authorized to speak on behalf of Trump's campaign, meanwhile the three main Indiana Trump campaign leaders have all endorsed Rokita.

Rex Early - Trump Indiana Campaign Chair
Tony Samuels - Trump Indiana Campaign Vice Chair
Robert Croddy - Trump Regional Campaign Chair

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If you like this story, please up vote and share it on all your social media. Please tweet it to @93wibc and @RobMKendall and hopefully they'll stop the smears.

Your help could prevent Indiana from putting liberal votes into the U.S. Senate.

Melyssa Hubbard
Tea Party Founder
Author, Spanking City Hall

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