Role Play game rules | Department Harry Potter
Creating character2. The post describing the character is accepted or rejected by the Game Masters and Administration within 3 days from placing the post on the board.
3. In the case of a request for additional genetics, you must send a message along with justification by BitMessage to the administrator's address.
3.1. Address: BM-2cX3vxTrs8VAwPVzFnAgrAFdF7WyG1tGYU
4. Until February 16, 2017, skill levels may be redistributed (in the case of adults) due to undefined opportunities for individual proficiency.
Allocation of points; skills level2. Each skill can have a maximum of 15 levels, which consists of points assigned by the Game Masters after the end of the session.
2.1. The session ends automatically after 7 days or earlier if so decided by the Game Master.
3. Each level has its own point threshold, which must be exceeded to enter the next stage.
3.1. Point thresholds are visible at this link - POINTS THRESHOLDS
(Hash)Tagging - Segregation2. Each post concerning the Role Play in the realities of Harry Potter must have the #hp-roleplay and #en-roleplay tag if the text is in English.
3. All kinds of rules placed by the Administration or Champions of the game will be sorted under #hp-rules .
4. All actions must be marked with the name of the main site (list below) and the exact place of the action must be included in the text.
Locations1.1. These tags are:
Hogwarts - #hp-hogwart
Hogsmeade - #hp-hogsmeade
London - #hp-london
Diagon alley - #hp-diagonalley
Knocturn alley - #hp-knockturnalley
Ministry of Magic - #hp-ministryofmagic
St Mungo's Hospital - #hp-mungohospital
Godric's Hollow - #hp-godrichollow
Ottery - #hp-ottery
Little Hangleton - #hp-littlehangleton
Spinners End - #hp-spinnersend
Dragon sanctuary - #hp-dragonsanctuary
Last change: 15 february 2018; 20:32 (UTC+1)