Just finished my first playthrough of this awesome roleplaying game

in roleplaying •  4 years ago 

Just finished my first playthrough of this awesome roleplaying game. I'm not a huge gamer and often get bogged down with the lack of direction with some open-world rpgs (skyrim, fallout, breath of the wild etc) but this game really pulled me in with its compelling world building, beautiful environments, fun mechanics and exciting combat. It felt to me like the fun open world mechanics of something like Breath of the Wild but with the plot and pacing like playing Halo CE for the first time. Plus what's not to love about robot dinosaurs??

Combat in this game really outshines that which I've experienced with other rpgs with the action pacing playing out more like a well-crafted FPS but with a wider range of mechanics. The real jewel here is the true diversity of combat and hunting strategies you can employ in in both quest-based encounters or just hunting machines in the open world.

Stealthily setting traps, using the environment to your advantage, hacking mechanical allies, using status effects like shock and freeze, blowing off armor and weapons with tear arrows, tying down enemies to catch a breath or make a well-placed shot or just lighting up your enemy with the spear, rattler and blast sling are all equally effective components of combat and make for exhilarating, rewarding battles. My complaint here would be that some battles particularly those involving the deathbringer or multiple human enemies crawl to a slog (humans are far too dumb). I'd also love to see more enemies like the stalker that make it hard to just pick off from afar/sneak-override-repeat through any machine encounter which can make the game feel too easy.
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I found the story exciting and the post-post apocalyptic setting pretty refreshing compared to the typical grey-brown wasteland settings I've seen before - especially putting it in such a striking and recognizable real-world landscape. I do wish there was a little more to the world/ quests/ environments outside of main quest storylines. I'm compelled as it is to roam and explore the world but it would be nice to feel more excited about finding more interesting content and data collectibles or that there were serious consequences to my in game choices. Sometimes I'll find interesting little nooks and encampments only to later find them again as part of one of the slightly repetitive errand quests- but I understand there is only so much time to flesh out these less important aspects. Story-wise though I loved the world- as a roboticist myself I was pulled in by the layered treatment of AI/robots (some of it is on the nose but other aspects are more nuanced) and the grim notion that our future might not look so different from HZD.

I think one of the key things about this game is that it does a great job of combining fun aspects from a few different genres (story, combat, world-building) but might be outstriped in each of those individual aspects by other great games that are more focused in that area.

Overall amazing game -so excited to delve into the DLC and for the upcoming sequel. I'd also pay so much money to get my hands on an encounter-building (robot building?) feature. As you can see from this novel I've written this game is highly recommended.

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