Being Prosocial in day to day life (RO: A fi prosocial in viata de zi cu zi)

in romania •  7 years ago  (edited)

We are all here because we are explorers. We like new ideas and we try to understand them. And to apply them. I am a refugee here, on Steemit, and on Quora after I tried to change mentalities for years on various political groups on Facebook. I didn't have a name for what I was doing but I knew it was correct. Correctness is the most valued thing in a society and the catalyst for a successful future.

Note: This article is written for the Romanian community, for which it might make more sense due to the realities of everyday life. If something seems off, ask me about it and I can provide further info on the insides jokes of my community.

Source: Pexels

What does Prosocial mean?

The individual's behavior that has positive impact over himself but also over other individuals in the community, which will eventually develop that group's cohesion.

How does one become prosocial

Every time when you need to do something, try to at least not affect the freedom of anyone else. In the second step try thinking about how your actions can benefit the others. Try to identify the problems of a specific activity and make it easier for everyone else. Most of the time you will not even lose more time doing this activity and in time you will do it by the power of repetition.

Do you need to drive to do shopping?First be careful to have your car in good shape, that you have good brakes, tires and warning lights. Otherwise you are endangering the others. Follow traffic rules, park in a place you can park, don't block the sidewalk, which is for pedestrians. Don't stop your car in the middle of the road, even if what you have to do takes only a few minutes. There is no excuse for the fact that the state didn't build a parking space or the fact that it's busy.

Once at the market, try to do your shopping from the local producers, ask about their whereabouts and buy from producers not re-sellers. Help the local economy. Don't buy food from the other side of the world if you have local alternatives. Use local services and local technology. This produces workplaces and bring value to the community. Ask for the receipt especially from places where you pay a lot, like construction, restaurant or car service. I know that politicians often steal from those money but it's something that must be done anyway.

If you have sufficient money and you have a monthly profit, try to donate. The people at are building a hospital from the crowdfund, the state doesn't try to build more hospitals. Crowd invest in a patrimonial house in Rosia Montana, an old mining village, adopt a Panda bear from World Wildlife Fund. Donate monthly or at least when you get a raise, if you can afford.

If you don't have enough money but you do have the time, you can donate the time for volunteering. You can plant a tree, pick up some garbage from the forest, teach children in a social center about Computer Programming, Maths or English.

If something is not going the way it should, write a complaint. If a road is not properly maintained, there are no markings or no public lighting around your home. Write to the Administrative Services. Most of the times you will get an answer and sometimes the situation might improve.

If nothing works like it should, be sure to vote on the elections. Talk to your distant relatives, what do they know about you and your ideals and your thought or your choices. Talk to your own family more, if you are still blessed with them. Explain to them your own beliefs and plans and ideas. Show them an optimistic documentary or a study. Change their mentalities to the best. Tell them why you keep going to protests even though you are tired and you have to work a lot more for a lot less money, why corruption is bad.

After a while you get used to it and if more of us become Prosocial then the environment in which we live will grow with us. Let's extend our own bubble of life and hopes to the ones around us!

A fi prosocial in viata de zi cu zi

Cu totii suntem aici pentru ca suntem exploratori. Ne plac ideile noi si incercam sa le intelegem. Si sa le aplicam. Eu m-am refugiat aici si pe Quora dupa ce am activat ani de zile incercand sa schimb mentalitati in diverse grupuri politice de Facebook. Nu aveam un nume pentru ceea ce faceam dar stiu ca mi se parea corect. Corectitudinea este lucrul cel mai de pret al unei societati si catalistul asigurarii unui viitor.

Ce inseamna prosocial?

Comportamentul unui individ sau al unui grup de indivizi, atunci cand el are urmari pozitive asupra sa dar si a celorlalti indivizi din comunitate si care are un efect de coeziune asupra comunitatii in totalitate.

Cum devii prosocial?

De fiecare data cand faci ceva trebuie sa fii sigur macar ca nu ingradesti libertatea celorlalti. In a doua etapa poti sa te gandesti in timp ce faci mecanic un lucru daca il poti face in asa fel incat sa aduci o contributie. Sa identifici problemele unei activitati si sa incerci sa o imbunatatesti pentru toata lumea. De cele mai multe ori nici nu vei pierde timp facand acest lucru si in timp o vei face din obisnuinta.

Trebuie sa mergi la piata cu masina sa faci cumparaturi? In primul rand ai grija sa ai inspectia tehnica, anvelope, frane si lumini la masina. Altfel ii pui pe ceilalti in pericol. Respecta regulile de circulatie, parcheaza intr-un loc unde poti parca, nu bloca trotuarul pentru accesul pietonilor, nu lasa masina pe avarii in mijlocul strazii, chiar daca nu dureaza decat cinci minute. Nu este o scuza faptul ca nu gasesti parcare chiar in fata sau faptul ca nu a construit statul parcari suficiente.
Odata ajuns in piata, cumpara de la producatori locali, intreaba-i daca sunt producatori, unde este ferma si orienteaza-te catre producatori si nu catre bisnitari. Ajuta economia locala. Nu cumpara mancare din coltul celalalt de glob daca ai alternative locale. Foloseste servicii locale si tehnologie locala. Asta produce locuri de munca si aduce plusvaloare comunitatii. Cere bonul fiscal de acolo de unde platesti mult. In constructii de exemplu, in cazul unei amenajari, la restaurant sau la service. Stiu ca politicienii fura din banii aia dar totusi trebuie facut.

Daca ai bani suficienti si iti mai ramane si un profit, doneaza. Cei de la construiesc un spital din banii de crowdfund, statul nu se ingramadeste sa mai construiasca spitale. Adopta o casa de patrimoniu in Rosia Montana, adopta un urs Panda de la WWF. Doneaza recurent 50 lei pe luna sau macar cand iei o prima.

Daca nu ai bani suficienti dar ai timp, atunci poti sa-ti donezi timpul liber pentru a face voluntariat. Plantezi un copac, strangi niste gunoaie din padure, ii inveti pe copiii dintr-un centru social matematica, informatica sau engleza.

Cand ceva merge prost sau cum nu te-ai astepta, pune-te pe scris. Fa o plangere. Drumul este prost, marcajele nu sunt vizibile, nu exista iluminat public in jurul blocului? Scrie la Politie, la Primarie. De multe ori primesti raspuns si chiar se face ceva. Nu intotdeauna, dar este un progres.

Lucrurile nu merg cum trebuie? Iesi la vot! Vorbeste cu rudele tale de la tara, ce stiu ei oare de tine, vorbeste cu o matusa despre convingerile tale, vorbeste cu ai tai mai mult, daca ii ai. Explica-le cum vezi si tu lumea, arata-le un documentar inovator dupa ce stati impreuna la masa de sarbatori. Explica-le de ce iesi in strada noaptea sa scandezi "hotii", dupa munca, desi esti obosit si a doua zi ai si mai mult de munca, pentru si mai putini bani.

Dupa un timp intra in obisnuinta si daca mai multi dintre noi devenim prosociali atunci si mediul in care operam o sa creasca odata cu noi. Hai sa extindem bula si asupra celor din jurul nostru.

Tu cum ai fost prosocial in ultima vreme?

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Susțin chemarea dar aș vrea o mișcare prosocială care sa permită mai multă diversitate de gândire - urmată de dezbatere și unitate de acțiune. Unele din propunerile tale mi se par ca ar putea sa fie dezbătute mai in detaliu - ca de exemplu "buy local" care mie îmi pare a fi, dacă ma gandesc bine, "une fausse bonne idée " - o idee bună in aparență dar care are consecințe neplacute subtile - un pic ca și comunismul. ..

Eu nu fac regulile si nu sunt in posesia adevarului absolut. Deci sunt deschis oricarei discutii. Sa cumperi local daca produsele sunt comparative nu mi se pare asa rau. Adica sa nu cumpar struguri din Venezuela si apoi sa ma plang ca statul nu face nimic pentru producatorii din Romania. Nu inseamna ca renunt la a-mi cumpara panouri solare DIY din China sub nicio forma. De asta suntem aici, in agora asta numita Steemit.

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Every time when you need to do something, try to at least not affect the freedom of anyone else.

This is really similar to the saying I usually go by: "My freedom stops where yours begins."

Your post was excellent from the top to the bottom :) You have a really nice way of thinking and have pointed out some good advice fo us all to become better human beings. Thank you for sharing this, it was a wonderful and inspirational thing to read over my morning coffee. 💚

I am happy to have been able to, and yes, that was my inspiration.
There are more like us in the world, I've met a few. We are just starting to gather up and find out what we can do!