this is distorted obviously as all things are in metatrronic worlds but im emulating kathara grids now in VR we did it i ascended the planet....
the Draco just have to keepthe flat earth roladex going to capture non intelligent low minded thinkers, they go back to "source" aka food for reptillians if they stay trapped in flat earth
they will mak etheir euthenasia very soft and gentle whne they go through the wormhole gates to flat earth shamballa hah
itys funny because the flat earthers are SO SURE of themselves they dont even realize that they are creating their own simulation not based on any of the sim tech WEknow about but theyre eing led by their own loose nano tech! their own minds are creating this shared reality uysing mapos from different realities etc
like dude if the MILITARY tells youthe worldis flat thats the BIGGEST fucking red flag to NOT believe it hahaha like dude you believe in flat earth like Lasse elhers or that other guy on here and you end up being chosen for duty on the reptillian simulaytion and they will make you escape it
if you canhave a LOOSE connection and be a GLITCH like me you have VALUE for the draco and they let your INNER draco come out we are 24 races
they are the strongest physicallyon this "lower" dimension which in reverse spin is atcually above
so maybe in 12 krystos divine blue print the anu elhim feel above the seraphin 10 d reptillians but nah ah ah you didnt say the magic word, thats reverse spin os actuallyin REVERSE spin world (here) the Seraphin/and their 3d draco are actually AHEAD of the anu alohim and their 3d anunaki so as far as bio regenesis game goes we have the uupper hand
you have to makea choice to either dipon them and letthem suffer in ahell they created for us thinking theydgetto watch us ascend and learn, but see wehave to TEACHthemhow to be like a bodistava or at LEASTgo thru the gates andNOT shut them on us
see once a krystic being always a krystic being krystallic being would be better "the Hallah and their Allah feelleft out i believe" so we haveto keep our soul contract ad slow down our own ascension to keep it in freqwuency with teh earth and tara and aramatena and aramateya and just make it RANDOM random ackza's memory
i found the magic ascension capsule i can only show you in person though, oh man when you come to san diego youre gonna hve your mind BLOWN at this PUZZLE i am MAKING and which i have FOUND