How to Build the Best Storm Resistant Roof

in roofing •  6 years ago 

A storm-resistant roof saves your home the harsh impacts of severe weather events.

Water filtration is the cause of most storm-related damages. A sturdy roof may withstand strong winds, but a competent roof is water-resistant. Here are a few tips on building a storm-resistant roof.

1. Have a continuous load path

A structure's load path defines the distribution of weight throughout the house. It straps the roof to the rest of your home. A continuous load path eliminates any point of weakness within the structure.

The load path holds your roof to the rest of the house when strong winds blow. When a storm hits, the continuous load path deflects the force to the wall and down to the foundation.

It is crucial to have a roofing contractor inspect your roof for any weaknesses.

2. Install a flood-resistant design

Storm surges and tides often cause floods. A storm-resistant roof must tolerate the unpleasantness that comes with waves. You need to install a flood-resistant plan to improve storm resistance.

A flood-resistant home design protects against excessive rain. The roof design should support adequate drainage. Constructing a flood-resistant roof employs the use of materials with high moisture tolerance. Water-resistance also includes many layers of moisture protection on the roof.

A flood-resistant roof saves you a lot of money in repairs and maintenance.

3. Roof shape design


There are are two elements in storms; wind and moisture. Your roof design must support resistance against wind and water.
A flood-resistant design protects your home from the penetration of water. How do you protect your home from strong winds?

Adopting the right roof shape can improve your home's performance against storms. The design of your roof has an impact on wind resistance. This sentiment reflects the belief of the New Jersey Institute of Technology.

A hip roof with four planes performs better than a gable roof with two slopes. A hip roof deflects wind from all the four sides, hence the high performance.

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