10 worst plant invaders on the Louisiana coast

in roseau •  6 years ago 

They clog waterways, overrun marshes and make it harder for animals to find food. Invasive plants have long been a problem in Louisiana, owing partly to the state's mild climate and abundant sunshine and rainfall. Try as government agencies and conservation groups might to combat aggressive foreign plants, the problem only seems worsen.

Good, informative article about invasive plants of south Louisiana. Coastal restoration is something that I'm very interested in, so it's a great read for me. And I do think invasive species are a problem. My only comment is that South Louisiana has so much land loss that it's hard to be too against any plant that helps hold the soil from washing into the Gulf. For example, the European roseau cane, yeah it's not invasive and a problem in some parts of the coast, but where the scale insect is killing off the native variety, we may have to turn to the European roseau to hold the Mississippi Delta together. If not erosion is going to go through the roof!

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