The Zionist Rothschild Empire - The True Leaders of The Planet Earth - What They Don't Want You To Know

in rothschild •  8 years ago 

We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.
Zionist Rothschild said "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws"

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Thank you for the info

Before I clicked here i was thinking about the money supply quote. @hfh777, thank you for sharing.

The FED money supply is the most fraudulent act in history and will cause the US to go for bankruptcy .... Yesterday it was Germany and now it's the US and tomorrow will be China....These Zionist bloodsuckers won't stop and Americans has to stop them now by printing their own money and owing the IMF...

Distributed ledger technology is one more historical threat to international "money changers." It is our responsibility to fight against centralization. Make no mistake, as history will inform you, these money manipulators will stop at nothing to ensure their longevity. Including measures such as deflationary collapses, legislative consolidation and bribery, and artificial cultural dichotomy by way of manufacturing consent. In my opinion, transition to a debt free monetary system will entail nothing short of a social revolution. Please do not mistake a non-secular subversive leadership for a zionist or other religiously biased cooperation. There is nothing religious about the sophisticated actions of the last 4 centuries of international banking. Taking religious bias into such a debate is feeding into the manufactured divisions meant to draw attentions away from the true intentions of international banking, which is purely profit driven. There is no doubt that religous undertones are an intentional subversive technique to propagate the dismissal of real embedded truths as "conspiracy theory." Speak plainly and without emotion when stating what you've learned through research. One of the greatest tragedies which has not gone unnoticed by international bankers is the invocation of religious belief in protest of their actions. By invoking religion while protesting this avarice, the message (truth), is from then on religated to only those inspired by such invocation. These are guidelines that historically have had more success in resisting central banks, please abide by them when exercising your right to protest.

You're definitely right and smart.... Thank you, Al

Thank you! good to see there are like minded people out there. People who aren't as interested in looking at what their friends ate for lunch on facebook lol
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