2 Peter 1;2-4 reveals that the end of his promise Tony's was so that her might partake of divine nature. This implies that God's plan for us is for His nature to dwell in us. He wants us to have His kind of life and morals.
The three most important keys in 2 Peter 1;4 are ;
PERTAKER ; This means to take part of,
DIVINE ; the heavenly (it has to do with heaven)
NATURE ; Lifestyle (This has to do with culture and lifestyle)
So in essence, God's plan for us was for us to demonstrate his lifestyle on the eearth.This can be buttressed by Matthew 6;9-10, 'Jesus said we should constantly pray that the kingdom of God should come down to the earth and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven'.
This is why God created man in His image and likeness. The plan was for the earth to experience God through man. God's plan was for the earth to look just like heaven so He needed a creature made of the same stuff like Himself, so God had to pull man out of Himself and transferred man to the earth to reveal His nature.
Therefore, the original idea of God is this;
'God who is invisible wants to rule the visible earth, from the invisible heaven, through an invisible man, living in a visible body, on a visible earth', Or
'The invisible God wants to extend His invisible kingdom, through an invisible man, living in a viable body, in a visible earth'. (Mathew 6;9-10)
This two sentences summarize the whole bible. If anyone can grasp the meaning of these sentences, he/she will understand the entire bible.
I hope you'd be blessed.
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I am @adesojisouljay.