#RPGADay2018 Day 24

in rpgaday2018 •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Day 24; Which RPG do you think deserves greater recognition?

Two games, actually; I didn't even realize there was a Dragon Age tabletop RPG until I was looking into other things related to the series and that's a shame because I also asked other fans of the series I know and many of them had no idea either. I own the core rulebook and I'm using it to run a campaign over on roll20 that's more D&D 5e based but using a lot of stuff sort of homebrewed out of the core rulebook and some other stuff. I mean it's so rare on roll20 there's literally only one game accepting applications and it doesn't start until the 31st ):

There's also a game called Anima: Beyond Fantasy that I really love. I actually used to follow the artists, Wen-M, over on deviantART when I was still on that website and I saw a lot of his art for the development of that game and it is beautiful. But it's so rare I just looked on roll20 for games and the next games that are running start September 15th, October 13th and November 2nd. More games than the Dragon Age one, but still nothing compared to if you look for things like Pathfinder and D&D.

They're both beautiful games that aren't too terrible if you get the very basics of tabletops and the Anima one has some absolutely amazing artwork to boot so I think they both deserve more recognition for the beautiful games they are!

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