#RPGADay2018 Day 25

in rpgaday2018 •  6 years ago 

RPG-a-Day 2018 High Contrast.jpg

Day 25; Name a game that had an impact on you in the last year.

The obvious choice is just overall D&D 5th Edition, but honestly it's just.....the games. My Monday, Wednesday and Friday night games that I DM for are amazing and full of some of the most awesome people I know. Tuesday is a bit odd and Thursday I can't speak for just yet, and both Saturday games are utterly fantastic.

They've all had impacts on me. They've all changed me for the better. Made me more sociable, and made me think through my choices and have to socialize so I'm getting over my anxiety just a little bit. I no longer feel like puking after every game. As I mentioned in the post before this, I ended up hanging out with the people from Saturday night game for over 3 hours in the aftermath of the actual game.

5e had literally changed my life for the better, and for that I am forever grateful <3


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