RRB Allahabad has announced around 4762 vacancies for the Group D officer post and about 17673 vacancies for ALP along with 8829 vacancies for other technician posts (all over India). RRB ALP exam will be conducted on 9th August 2018. RRB Grade D Recruitment exam will be conducted in September 2018. The candidates must keep track of the regular updates coming over the website. The regular updates will soon be available for the announcement of exact dates of release of the admit cards for RRB Recruitments.
An admit card is considered to be the most important document from the examination point of view. Candidates must download the complete rrb allahabad admit card for the entry at the examination center. Candidate must remember that admit card is the document of identification for appearing in the examination. The candidate must verify that the details on the admit card are printed correctly and there is no discrepancy in the admit card. As per the notification that was released earlier on the official website rrbald.gov.in the admit cards will be available for the Loco Pilot examination and Grade Officer recruitment examination. The candidates should follow through the article to find more details about the RRB Allahabad admit card to be released.
Details Mentioned on the Admit Card
- Name of the Candidate
- Name of the Examination.
- Date of Birth of the Candidate.
- Date of Examination.
- Time of Examination.
- Reporting Examination.
- Centre of the Examination.
- Roll number of the Candidate.
- Signature of the Candidate.
- Photograph of the Candidate.
- Signature of the Controller of Examination.
- Important Instructions regarding examination.
Steps to Download the Hall ticket
Candidate applied for RRB Allahabad recruitment should check the steps to download the admit card below.- The candidate must visit the official website of RRB Allahabad - rrbald.gov.in.
- The links for the various regions will be available.
- The candidate must select their region as selected at the time of application.
- The candidate must enter their login details.
- The link for Download RRB Allahabad Admit card will appear.
- Candidate should click the link and check the details on the admit card that appears on the screen.
- Candidate should print the Admit card of RRB Allahabad on an A4 size white paper in black and white coloration after verifying the details.
- Candidate must take 2-3 Xerox copies of RRB Allahabad admit card to avoid any loss or misplacement.