How Can RSO Oil Benefit You?

in rso •  3 years ago 

RSO is an unrefined, potent organic cannabis extract made with alcohol from steam distillation. The original recipe called for isopropyle alcohol from steam distilled water. Invented by Sir Hempstead Company, a pure, potent RSO is made from freshly extracted CO2 that results in a pure, potent extract, no matter what the base. All bases have impurities and some of them have carcinogens. When you use pure, potent raw cannabis oil, you can enjoy many health benefits. Let's look at the benefits of RSO:

Cancer Stick to your diet? Try adding a little RSO to your diet. You can add it to many alcoholic beverages such as wine or beer, but it also tastes good on ice cream, sherbet, or any other drink that you would like to enjoy. You can also add it to your rice cooker, if you like to make rice cooker food items with rice.

As a RSO Treatment for Malignant Melanoma In the news today, it was reported that Sir hempstead has developed a highly flammable RSO oil that can be added to a variety of solvents. In a press release, he stated, "The highly flammable nature of our organic solvent, Sir Kensi, allows us to use it in a variety of applications that involve the use of highly flammable fluids. We are able to create a very unique and distinct flavour in aqueous solutions and that allows us to blend it into a vast array of solvents." I wonder how safe that is for you? Well, it might not be as safe as putting gasoline in your car!

This discovery came from Rick Simpson oil which is developed by Rick Simonson of the Marijuana Spice Company. The Marijuana Spice Company sells medical marijuana concentrates, including cannabis concentrates. And, they sell RSO in an unsweetened version. So, one could imagine that the concentrated form would be less flammable than the unsweetened form. However, it turns out that the concentrated version contains fewer calories and fewer scents.

When this news was released, the media was all over it. Even CNN had someone on the air that evening to discuss it. So, what is this stuff? What is this hot new for treating cancer with cannabis concentrates? Is it really safe? Well, let's see.

When this Rick Simpson oil was applied to lab mice, they showed that it promoted tumor growth. They also showed that the mice were protected from all sorts of cancers. Now, I'm not saying that RSO is going to cure cancer. I'm just saying that it may be possible to use the extract to treat certain types of cancers, such as breast cancer or lung cancer. It's also possible to use the oil to prevent some types of cancer.

It's also possible to make a topical ointment that contains some of the cannabidiol, or CBD, which is contained in the plant material. It was reported that women who used RSO had better breast feeding rates, were less likely to suffer with diabetes, and were more alert and youthful looking. People who are currently using this product for treating diseases and other disorders also reported that they experienced some relief from symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and brain cancer.

While there is still much more to learn about the benefits of RSO Oil, it's already promising. And, it appears that RSO Oil has lots of other benefits for those who are interested in alternative medicine. If you're interested in trying RSO Oil, why not buy some yourself? The nice thing about this oil is that it contains only trace amounts of the powerful Cannabidiol, or CBD, which has proven to be an extremely effective anti-inflammatory.

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