Omicron worth burying the lead over?

in rt •  3 years ago 


RT reports: Study confirms Omicron-linked fears — RT World News

The ‘super mutant’ Omicron strain is 4.2 times more transmissible in its early stages than the Delta variant of the coronavirus, a new Japanese study has found.

Since the Omicron strain, which has a record number of mutations, was discovered in South Africa last month, the World Health Organization (WHO) and medical scientists around the globe have been expressing concerns that it could turn out to be more contagious and more resistible to the current vaccines...

You don’t need me to give you a link to this story, Google RT. What’s the most important, because most informative, part of this article? It’s down there under a pile of bullshit, "observations by the WHO have suggested that the mutated strain didn’t make the disease harsher, with the majority of its receded cases being mild or moderate.”

This sort of thing is called “burying the lead”, opening your story with secondary details rather than the essential information, the main point, the reason why there is even a story to be worth writing. This is a journalistic sin. Why do people read news articles? To be quickly informed of vital developments. In this case, that Omicron while possibly being more contagious is mild, no cause for concern.

Why does an article bury the lead? To confuse, frustrate and bamboozle the reader. It’s the difference between, “There was an accident but no serious injuries” versus, “Bus passengers hoped to reach their destination early this morning but it was not to be. Among the passengers were several Canadians…”

What is the chaff under which the lead is buried in this story? In this case (1) Omicron is super Mutant (2) it spreads faster than Delta (3) it has Huge Mutations that Escape Immunity(4) the WHO and scientists are Concerned (5) it’s More Contagious (6) it’s more Resistant to the Vaccines (7) BE AFRAID! Number 7 is kinda snuck in there by implication.

How do we know we have something to be afraid of? Some computer model maker in Japan, a guy who might as well be Neil Ferguson in make-up, fiddled around with some numbers he conned out of vague reports from South Africa and presented the resulting unverified, not peer reviewed computer game to Japanese health advisors. That’s why we readers should be afraid.

And you know who should be the most afraid? All of us who have believed the Covid fear-jerking that’s been maintained by “news” like this enough to get the Pfizer/Moderna Covid vaccines, thereby demonstrating their belief that these vaccines will protect them from this fear. All the jabbed people I know feel safe enough to eat in restaurants and go to concerts.

I wonder if they might be getting comfortable, even complaisant, even bored maybe with the fear-jerking? They are the normal people, all the media says so. And they haven’t gotten Covid and they haven’t gotten any problem with the jabs and they have their QR codes and Proof of Normality and so all the critics and conspiracy people were wrong. The Pandemic is over. We move on and be normal like normal people. That’s the reward for being Normal. I do the Normal thing, I comply with the rules, and in return I’m Normal and you rule-makers leave me alone. Right?

WRONG!! Stop feeling safe! Because the Omicron is RESISTANT to your jabs, people! What you need is ANOTHER jab. Pfizer is already Tackling that new Vaccine. In a few weeks it’ll be ready for ya.

Back in the old world on the other side of that crack in the very fabric of reality, three years ago – and it might as well be three hundred years ago – back in 2018 it took at least four years to produce a vaccine because you had to do safety trials. You had to test a prototype vaccine first on animals; then if the animals didn’t die you went to the next stage and tested it on humans, some humans in a controlled environment with a double blind test and if those people didn’t die you tested it on more people. Then with the results in hand proving safety you went to the FDA and applied for full approval. The FDA considered your data and approved your vaccine and you publicly disclosed the ingredients of your product and the FDA tested every manufacturer's vaccine batches to make sure every vial produced was the same formula. That’s why this process took years.

Not anymore. That was in that old time, when reality wasn’t so Virtual and Intelligence wasn’t so Artificial. Pfizer does it in weeks now in this new world of Meta-Reality. Pfizer/Moderna make not just vaccines, they make miracles. Back in 2003 and 2009 they tested prototype mRNA vaccines on lab animals and all the animals died and that really slowed up production. So now in this new Meta-Miracle world where reality no longer counts, where Feels replace Reals, Pfizer/Moderna assured us all that these old-fashioned animal trials are no longer needed. They are doing the vaccinations and the human trials all at the same time.

You thought you could get out of the lab, out of your cages along with the monkeys and rats, now that the vaccines is here. Not so fast, bubba. The human animal trials are not over. They are going to jab your five year old kids now because, as one Pfizer official said, Pfizer won’t know if the vaccine is safe for little kids until they give it to all the little kids. And babies are next to be tested. All you normal, compliant, jabbed up people are still in cages so you can be Boostered. You don’t get to escape from the lab now that the whole world is the lab. Covid escaped from the lab, then Delta escaped, now Omicron Escapes your Immunity, it "escapes immunity built naturally and through vaccines”. That’s what THE SCIENCE says. Omicron Escapes. You don’t get to escape.

Me, I never believed in the fear-jerking in the first place. Back in March 2020 I found out that the hospital was quiet and nurses were being laid off because the big Covid scare the news outlets were screaming about was a complete sham. How did I get so abnormal? I failed to get cable TV so I never heard CNN and CBC scream at me. I don’t even have a computer sophisticated enough to be Meta-real and “AI" and all those whizzy-wonderful things. I’m a weirdo. I’m still stuck in actual reality. Poor me.

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