What we really need is mental immunity.

in rt •  3 years ago 



RT reports :

A panel of US health experts has given tentative support to third vaccine doses for those with compromised immune systems. Such a policy is already in place in Israel, where Pfizer’s jab is reportedly losing efficacy.

A friend of mine is immune compromised by a legion of allergies so I thought of him when I read this report. Fortunately he’s a fellow skeptic.

Another friend makes me wear a mask when I’m riding with him in his van. He’s obsessed with the Covid to a degree I find irrational. I overheard him explaining Covid and the vaccines to a friend of ours saying the vaccinations don’t prevent one from getting the Covid, they reduce the severity of one’s symptoms and without them if you get the Covid your lungs start filling up with fluid in mere days. I think I also overheard him say that people with no “symptoms” can infect others. I well know I can take that as being the standard, mainstream line of “information”. I’ll stick by the information I’ve gotten from such world-renowned authorities as Dr Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr Peter McCullough which says:

Firstly, the legal definition of vaccine which the US Patent Office uses to register a patent for a vaccine is that the substance must prevent the disease as proven by clinical trials. If it doesn’t, it’s not a vaccine.

Secondly, the buildup of fluid in lungs is pneumonia, not Covid specifically – none of the problems attributed to Covid are specific to any virus, coronavirus or flu virus; there are over 40 possible causes of pneumonia including viruses, bacteria and funguses and so doctors don’t bother wondering what is the cause of fluid in the lungs, they just treat the symptoms.

Thirdly, there is no such thing as a lung disease that doesn’t have symptoms; pneumonia has symptoms, you feel lousy and you cough so you go to a doctor for help; “asymptomatic transmission” has no scientific medical evidence for its existence. The absurdity of the idea is easily demonstrated. Did anybody go to a doctor during the terrible flu epidemic of 2018 because somebody said they had the flu even though they felt normal? What would they say to a doctor if they did? “I think I’ve got the flu, doc”? What conversation would have taken place? “What are your symptoms? None? You do not have the flu. You are not sick. What you need is a psychiatrist to help you with your irrational fear because offhand I’d say you're neurotic. I can subscribe Valium. But you need professional help to get at the root causes of your irrational fear.”

But that was back then when there was not a media driven propaganda operation to induce an irrational neurotic fear in the general population. Our friend neatly recapped the operative lies that are “going viral”. The disease can be transmitted by anyone even if they don’t “feel sick” – that’s a preposterous lie but look how effective it is in giving people fear.

I’ve had a young friend of mine tell me she intended to isolate herself for a few days after returning from a family visit to Calgary because she might have gotten the Covid from her family even though nobody had any ’symptoms’ and she feared to spread it even though she had no “symptoms". This was a 22 year old science major! Astrophysics, not medicine, but still where is the logic? If there can be “asymptomatic transmission” of this one disease out of all the prior history of disease epidemics then the thing to do is FEAR EVERYBODY. People are being told by authorities that they normally trust that little kids with no symptoms of any illness can spread the COVID. This is literally at least neurosis if not full blown clinical paranoia. I’ve tried to contradict this with facts and it does no good.

Step two in inducing mass neurosis (and consequently mass jabbing and the massive profits from the jabs) is the idea that the vaccine for this one unique disease, unlike every other vaccine ever made, doesn’t prevent you from getting and asymptomatically spreading the disease and yet you still need this vaccine which is not a preventative because without it your symptoms will kill you. Pfizer and Moderna officially say this and so does the CDC. Wow. If you believe that there’s no wonder you are afraid.

I’ve been horrified and mystified at the spectacle of young parents masking their very young children. I went to the barber’s yesterday. I didn’t have to wear a mask but the barber did and another customer did who brought his little kid in for a hair cut, maybe a 7 year old boy, sitting up on his booster seat looking miserable in his mask. Will this father make his boy get the Pfizer jab? He will if Pfizer is permitted to announce its recommendation that their jab is a vaccine safe for kids from 5 on up. This father and many other parents will do what Pfizer says. Why?

Because they have already been infected with a virus of the mind, induced neurosis by mass psychological torture over the last 18 months of lockdowns, isolation, absurd regulations, threats of fines and arrest, spectacles played on the news of old people and pregnant women being dog-piled by burley cops and cuffed and forcibly masked – the whole panoply of psychological torture techniques researched by professional torturers for decades and now scaled up and mass delivered by the new social media.

I was a young parent long ago. I remember the feelings. What did I fear most? That danger was in every trip outdoors with my precious baby. Everything I feared for myself I feared for her. Traffic, dogs, crowds, dirt, illnesses. No wonder these young parents are masking their kids. The wonder is that so many are not. It’s a miracle that so many people have not succumbed to paranoia. They must have retained their natural immunity somehow, the immunity that really counts in combating this virtual, media virus: their mental immunity. Their naturally evolved mental immunity is triggered by the stink of bullshit even if consciously they don’t recognize it. They are still able to pay more attention to their own senses than to some noise on the computer or yapping from the TV screens. I love you guys! I love to see your open smiling faces!

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