Feed aircraft data (ADS/B) received from a $7 RTLSDR dongle to http://flightradar24.com for a 30 days premium subscription!
I have made a pre-build docker image which contains all the necessary software to receive and decode aircraft data (ADS/B), plot it locally on a webserver and push that data to flightradar24.com to get 30 days of premium subscription for free.
What you need:
- a $7 RTLSDR
- the supplied antenna or build your own
- and a flightradar signup key
To get a flightradar24 signup key start the following docker image and fill in your credentials which will return the key:
$ docker run -ti marcelmaatkamp/flightradar24-feeder --signup
After that start the collector and start sending ADS/B data to flightradar:
$ docker run -d \
--name flightradar_feeder \
--restart=always \
--privileged \
-p 8754:8754 \
-p 8080:8080 \
marcelmaatkamp/flightradar24-feeder --fr24key=<flightradar24 signup key>
This docker image starts a local webserver which shows a live view of all received aircrafts which can be found on http://dockerhost:8080/
After that your personal stats on flightradar24.com can be viewed at your personal stats page including you many aircraft received plotted on a polar plot