How to receive government contracts or become a "systemically important" enterprise in Russia?

in ru •  5 years ago 

Briefly about the situation:

  • Confectioners' life is not sweet
  • Airline operators are screwed
  • Something fishy smells in restaurants
  • Fitness clubs are stretching their legs
  • Furniture business bit the dust
  • Clothing manufacturers tighten their belts
  • Perfume stores are taking their last breath
  • Masseurs are handling things poorly
  • Stationery stores are nothing to write home about
  • Bathhouses have gone down in flames
  • Laundries have found themselves in a mess
  • Ateliers are coming apart at the seams
  • There will be no shows in cinemas
  • Children's centers have had their fun
  • Nothing but emptiness at the bowling alley
  • Manicure masters are biting their fingernails
  • Dentists are kissing their teeth
  • Mask manufacturers are picking up the slack
  • Ventilator manufacturers have a second breath of life
  • Pharmacies have gone in strong


All businesses are not listed, but it does not matter. The difficult situation in the economy does not lead to cooperation between market operators - everyone is on their own, they survive the way they can and know how to.

Only those companies that sit on state contracts and are included in the list of "systemically important" enterprises receive guarantees of survival.
If you want to know how to join the lucky ones, ask me. I will tell you everything honestly, without deception.
Neither innovative enterprises, nor enterprises with the largest number of employees, nor even businesses with a large number of contractors and subcontractors are included in the favorites.
No, all of these don't matter.
The chosen ones are distinguished not by the intelligence of their shareholders, not by a special business strategy – but by their proximity to the president's gang or a connection and access to a lower-level feeding trough.
Embezzlement and embezzlement again. Billions of dollars from the budget are siphoned into the pockets of those close to them or are used to make non-competitive decisions in the economy.

Coronavirus makes life easier for thieves. For example, Mr. Sobyanin's subordinates are happy to "distribute" hundreds of millions of rubles to shell companies without holding a tender*. They allocated some 130 million rubles for construction, and 90 million rubles have already been disbursed. And the fact that there are no results is clear – the building is not being built by a company consisting of a "Sitz-Chairman Funt". Everything is like in "The Little Golden Calf": Funt will sit down, government officials and the new Koreiko will do their own gesheft.

But not everyone is lucky – the media is not asleep yet, and while they are allowed to, they are happy to hunt regional corrupt officials. In the Saratov region, for example, "modern means of protection against coronavirus" were almost purchased. Disposable non-sterile medical masks were sold at a very modest price – only 425 rubles per piece. It was almost a success- "detractors" of the minister, who were not included in the scheme, turned in the "deal of the century" to the media, and those ones blew everything wide open. Madam minister of Health quickly "steered" into resignation. I am sure that her accomplices will cover her up and a criminal case will not be initiated. And if something happens, there is a ready-made precedent- to avoid criminal prosecution, she can simulate having coronavirus, just like a talented colleague from Rostov did.

But imagine, Mr. Sechin suddenly became interested in genetics. The head of the largest oil company in Russia, with an annual salary of 240 million rubles just needs a hobby, so as not to die of boredom. He gave up on his job a long time ago. Recently, because of his incompetence and inability to foresee the consequences, he dragged Russia into a price war and practically "lost all the polymers". But luckily, Saudi Arabia prefers unjust peace to damping wars and everything ended before the European oil market collapsed. So this abominably performing dilettante "suddenly" entered the field of genetic research, in which he understands as much as a pig understands polymers. And now he will become a curator and join the board of directors of a certain company, ANO "Russian Genetic Technologies".
What will this company do? According to the description - strengthening the spiritual bonds of Russians through science: to look for "breakdowns in the genome of the Russian people", as well as "to reduce the critical dependence of Russian science and industry on foreign databases of genetic and biological data".

A worthy endeavour that Rosneft could not but support. Indeed, all scientific problems in the field of oil and gas have already been solved, why not study genetics? So the dreams of Khrushchev can be remembered and we finally get to the corn.
All this nonsense looks wild and strange only until we got two facts: a billion dollars from the budget is allocated to the company for 5 years and the head of the company will be a certain Maria Vorontsova, concurrently the eldest daughter of President Putin. Apparently, there were no other successful scientists in Russia who can be trusted with such sums and responsibility for reducing the gap between Russian and advanced foreign science. By the way, Mrs. Vorontsova did not defend any dissertations on genetics.

But does it matter if the president's youngest daughter, Katerina Tikhonova, also did not defend her dissertation in the field of medicine, but already managed to get her fat piece of cake. Eurotech-Mirai Genomics, a company controlled by her, has a priority in creating diagnostic tests for coronavirus in Russia. It doesn't matter that the cost of the test is twice the market price and there were offers that were more favorable for the budget, it doesn't matter that additional expenses are required for the purchase of mobile laboratories, because without them you can't take the tests. As far as another billion dollars "will remain in the family". And the principle of equality is maintained – "earrings for each sister", and at the same time, Mr. Putin has put his children in the "adult business" under the control of his friends and associates.
So if you want to get a government contract, ask the president to adopt you. If you're lucky, you can feed three generations of your family.

And now the last trick from the corrupt top – assigning the status of "systemically important" businesses in Russia. They are entitled to a certain amount from the budget. So far, 6 trillion rubles have been allocated for 1,000 enterprises – from 3 billion rubles for a business. Bye. In addition to the sum from the budget, companies can count on preferential lending, obtaining state guarantees for investment projects, debt refinancing and other "benefits". It would seem to be a good idea. But everything was implemented through a capital BULL with four letters.
There are no transparent criteria that explain how businesses were selected. For example, the list does not include companies from such areas as railway engineering, chemical, electrical and electronic industries. But in large numbers, there were enterprises of the agro-industry, food production, pharmaceuticals, which practically did not suffer from the imposition of self-isolation

The most interesting thing is that Mr. Mishustin was not allowed to make the lists of enterprises. Can you imagine a situation when the prime minister does not coordinate the list of businesses that receive money from the budget?! Mr. Mishustin does not really want to be in the role of Funt, so he urgently reported being infected with coronavirus and withdrew from the game. The first rat from the sinking ship

Let's see who is lucky enough to be in the list of systemically important enterprises:

  • Companies with a predominant share of foreign capital: Auchan, Leroy Merlin, IKEA, McDonald's, Burger King, Nestle, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, Renault, Volkswagen, Nissan, Toyota, Cordiant and Continental, etc. And since when did FONBET, a betting parlor owned by a Cyprus company, become a systemically important enterprise? Since when the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Andrey Belousov started "protecting" it.
    AvtoVAZ has been bought up "entirely" by Renault since 2016. That is, it is completely a French company.
    As you may have noticed, our officials are very concerned about how the Japanese, French, Germans and Americans will cope with the crisis. Perhaps they are afraid of losing those who feed them so well.
  • Businesses that are co-owned by senators, deputies, or their children and other relatives. For example, Senator Lyudmila Narusova asked the Ministry of Agriculture to include Sakhalin fishing companies in the list of systemically important enterprises. Why such concern all of a sudden? Everything is simple, her daughter, Ksenia Sobchak, purchased 40% of the shares of the companies KUC (Kurilsk Universal Complex) and Maneron. Both companies immediately became "systemically important". The chain of pharmacies "36.6" was owned by an offshore Cyprus company, but then the controlling stake of the company was bought by the owner of Credit Bank of Moscow (MKB) Roman Avdeev, who is very friendly with Mr. Sechin and Sobyanin. And the company easily entered the list of systemically important, but the counterparts who can not boast of friendship with the powerful of this world – no.
  • Affiliated structures of Putin’s "family" and his henchmen. For example, Aeroflot, Avtoban and Mostotrest finished 2019 "with a good plus" and this year, they have a chance to finish the year without losses. But it doesn't matter. Because they belong to Mr. Lebedev, associated with Potanin and Prokhorov, Putin's best friends Rotenberg and Andreev.

It is clear that there are exceptions, but they only confirm the rule. It’s all over the place- the "rule of 1-2 handshakes" works to the person sitting at the very top. Entry into the list of systemically important enterprises is made through a bribe or due to family ties with the rotten Russian elite. Always and at all times, oligarchs observed this principle: we divide the profits among our own people, and pass the expenses on to everyone else. Paying out 20 thousand rubles to each person – "the budget will crack". That was what Sobyanin stated. But to allocate 3 billion rubles to each corrupt official - "the face will not crack". Those who need to will even ask for more.
Only their people participate in the "sharing" of the budget. So do not get into the systemically important, if you do not match either by face or relationship. And those who were able to create their own business in spite of government officials, bandits and raiders- they will have to manage on their own today.

This is the understanding of fairness among those in power: to their own- everything, to the rest- minimum wage. If you're lucky. And if the population falls into poverty en masse and drinks itself into the grave - it's no big deal. Lumpens are easier to manage – they are like Buratino, you need to serve three crusts of bread in time. And if you also pour vodka – oh they will agree to everything, and they will open their mouths less, they will not even go to protest marches. What for? If the table is set, and above the ground the cry is: "eat, drink, have fun!"

Remember, the creatures that eat you have no conscience, no sense of proportion, no sense of pity. Don't wait to be stripped of your last pair of pants and get slapped on your bare buttocks by people who eat for three mouths as they pass. If nothing comes to mind- go out to the opposition and act as a team!
You will find your right in the struggle!

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