A 10 Kg of Cobra was Found in the Rubber Farm

in rubberfarm •  8 years ago  (edited)

What a long snake? 10 Kg? O_O
The worker of a rubber farm in Cambodia found this heavy cobra. The big and long snake I ever see. Some Cambodian like to eat that kind of cobra. 5 Kg of this cobra could be 100$ or more. How about the taste? The meat must be more tender and sweet than chicken.
Some girl not dear to eat that kind of food. They will feel about to vomiting to see the piece of snake in the pot. How about you? You should try this kind of food in Cambodia. I am scare see it is alive, but it is yummy.
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ពស់វែកដំបូក ទំងន់ជាង ១០ kg ចាប់បានក្នុងចំការកៅសូ៊.jpg

ពស់វែកដំបូក ទំងន់ជាង ១០ kg ចាប់បានក្នុងចំការកៅសូ៊ 2.jpg

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Woww really good photos