yes well i'm smallcat, so good luck with that

in rudyarcatling •  7 years ago 

been busy


source include/
source include/
#ahah, lets go for something that works first shall we
votersfrompost ubasti_paidpost
#this can probably be done something like cat bla |printf bla or something in one line ? should
sed -e 's/^/@/' ubasti_paidpost_voters > wrktmp
sed 's/$/ , /' wrktmp > ubasti_paidpost_voters
grep 'rudyardcatling|sakhmet|sbi5' ubasti_paidpost_voters > ubasti_paidpost_declined
grep -v 'rudyardcatling|sakhmet|sbi5|ubasti' ubasti_paidpost_voters > wrktmp
cat wrktmp > ubasti_paidpost_voters
rm wrktmp
SBDRECIPIENTS=$(tr -d "\n\r" < ubasti_paidpost_voters)
SBDDECLINED=$(tr -d "\n\r" < ubasti_paidpost_declined)
echo "-"
NUMBERRECIPIENTS=$(wc -l <ubasti_paidpost_voters)
#serieus omslachteg toch AZU NEN NEST MAAAT
#unmark for working version / mark while working on version ... save the webz
#wget -qO- $CURLURL |gunzip >ubasti_jsondata
#wget -qO- $CURLURL2 |gunzip >ubasti_paidpost
#CASHOUT_TIME=$(grep -Po '(?<=("cashout_time":")).?(?=(","max_cashout_time))' ubasti_paidpost)
#i think El Dude has made the grave mistake here because that's cashout time of the paid post AS IT SAYS, el dude, not cashout time of the post to be posted post
#hence, el dude, as you already knew, you can't have cashout_time before it's posted
#this will need reform but lets go for something that works ... what do we need .. age in days .. total payout ... numbers of payout, which appear only after payout ofcourse
#last reward claimed
#grep -Po '(?<=(claim_reward_balance",{"account":"ubasti","reward_steem":)).
?(?=(,"reward_vests"))' fullhist_ubasti |tail -1
#notification of reward available
#grep -Po '(?<=(author_reward)).?(?=(VESTS))' fullhist_ubasti
#notification of reward available
#grep -Po '(?<=(author_reward)).
?(?=(VESTS))' ../fullhist_ubasti |tail -1
#grep -Po '(?<=(author_reward",{"author":"ubasti","permlink":")).?(?=(","steem_payout))' ../fullhist_ubasti |tail -1
LASTSBDPAYOUT=$(grep -Po '(?<=(sbd_payout":")).
?(?=( SBD","steem_payout))' ../fullhist_ubasti |tail -1)
#gho waidaminut, on paidpost since cashout_time not available might be, check
#wc -l +1 number of participants, get last reward and ... remainder ? flatfile from last time then
#start with age or ... payouts, i got payouts, i got something that outputs payouts donti
#The forumla for calculating Steem Power is as follows:
#total_vesting_fund_steem * (user's vesting_shares / total_vesting_shares)
#cashout_time is reset on payout but paid sbd is visible only after payout ofc
#now what ?
#assuming i can use ../parseacthst ubasti transfers to update

#cat ../ #ohw
#AND assuming we are not running multiple instances AT ONCE on the same machine here
#and assuming a lot but lets stick to what works, yes ofcourse
#cat ../transfer_out
#has all transfes of the last request outgoing BUT
cat ../transfer_out |grep SBD >tmp_sbdonly
cat tmp_sbdonly
grep -Po '(?<=(t":")).?(?=( S))' tmp_sbdonly > tmp_nrsonly
#jeezes fooken cries would you look at that ->? not even grepcat or sedawk and no installs required
#paste -s -d+ tmp_nrsonly | bc
#brings us
TOTALTRANSOUT=$(paste -s -d+ tmp_nrsonly | bc)
lasttimevar=$(cat ubasti_jsondata |grep -oP '(?<=("created":")).
#this bit is used in multiple places
lasttimevar=$(date -d"$lasttimevar" +%s)
curtimevar=$(date --iso-8601=seconds)
curtimevar=$(date -d"$curtimevar" +%s)
echo $lapstimevar
AGE=$(echo "$lapstimevar / 60 / 60 / 24" |bc -l)
curl --silent --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_state", "params": ["post"], "id": 40 }' >state
TVF=$(grep -Po '(?<=("total_vesting_fund_steem":")).?(?=( STEEM",))' state)
echo $TVF
UVS=$(grep -Po '(?<=("vesting_shares":")).
?(?=( VESTS",))' ubasti_jsondata)
echo $UVS
TVS=$(grep -Po '(?<=("total_vesting_shares":")).*?(?=( VESTS",))' state)
echo $TVS
ubasti_sp=$(echo "$TVF * $UVS / $TVS"|bc -l)
echo $ubasti_sp
cat > temp <<EOF

please note : if you're feeling generous and want to decline payment for the current post you voted on, the remainder WILL be distributed among those who don't, if YOU do , then please leave it in comment, thanks, otherwise it will pay out even to stale accounts, which is a bit of a shame imo

$ACCOUNTHANDLE is $AGE days old and has distributed ${TOTALTRANSOUT}SBD to participants

sbd will be distributed for all non-resteem posts that pay out at cashout_time but upvotes will only be raffled on the actual SBD distrobot posts (like this one), it's work in progress but paying out is kinda fun, even if its only at sardine-level

the deadline is ... (12 hours before) $CASHOUT_TIME
deadline can shift if post is edited afterwards but voting shouldnt be possible from 12 hours before actual deadline at the time of posting

the total SP of @ubasti : $ubasti_sp SP (no delegation)

100 % vote is worth: ${VOTEWORTH}(subject to market fluctuation this is the value of shares in SBD)-(so far the more sp i gain the less my vote is worth, i have no idea why anyone would dump to below $3 but it seems to be rising today, 24 hour scale is no indicator ofcourse, whoever is doing that is damaging everyone except the millionaires)

hm, could use a bit more shiney banner i suppose

short version :

upvote to get equal share on payout day - three 100% votes will be given randomly to three different people who voted on this post (on payout day ofcourse) and for every 10sp @ubasti gets i will enroll someone at random into @steembasicincome chosen from people who have participated (with the next 1sp that is, so the 1% after every 10%)

the obvious ways to do this are :

  • well upvote ofcourse or you get nothing
  • re-steem for bigger exposure, the more votes the more to divide, re-steeming doesnt even cost a thing
  • follow because i'm not sure what to do with my 10% pledge on this one, is it participants only or random follower, i havent even found someone to tell me what the method call is using curl so i got time to think but
  • dont worry , everything will be done strict yet manually until then, no vote wasted

The payout for : ${PAIDPOST}

${LASTSBDPAYOUT}SBD plus 0.000SBD remainder of last payout , divided by $NUMBERRECIPIENTS eligible equals ${SHAREPP}SBD each

payments declined by $SBDDECLINED

recipients : $SBDRECIPIENTS

and ofourse

@ubasti who is trying hard to make this work for everyone

100% upvotes : @valentin86 , @pssf84 , @mytechtrail
(decided by "google: random number", holding my hand before my eyes and clicking a few times so if you can hack that you get more chance at ONE VOTE WOOO-WEE!)
theres plenty of accounts there that are stale but if they don't decline payment i have to stick to certain standards since they voted (dropping stale accounts from a non-payable post is also an option but so far i dont see posts that are in danger of being undividable)

payouts have been made, votes will be cast when available(if not already done), a weighted vote from you is more for you :) if it keeps up long enough, the raffled upvotes will be worth a lot more than the sbd distro which by then will be 'consolation prizes :p)

the remainder of ${REMAINDER}SBD will be carried over to the next payout

upvotes will only be raffled on three contestants of actual SBD-distro posts (needless to say upvotes will not be given to 'stale' accounts with the most recent post older than six days) its gonna be a bot after all, i will need SOME kind of algorithm heh)

and ... a pool of no more than 0.500SBD will be kept ("no more than") at all times to provide a minimum payout of 0.001SBD in case the divide is below that, to all participants, for as long as the pool lasts, anything above that ever will be converted to sp right away, after all, over time, assuming participants will run in the dozens and mostly cast low votes and not decline, the raffled uptvotes will be worth a lot more, but there's alway a minimum for playing in that case (well... always, i havent worked this out to the last digit over a span of ten years lol, the main goal is "fair" division, not clinical semantic legalism)

i think that's all ... for now, happy voting, lets not get poorer together

expect the worst

hope for nothing

NEVER be disappointed

you should read the fineprint sometimes, not everyone advertises 't is to say, this is the first time i use a generated message, mistakes are possible as they were before, i think i got the variables straight but some parts are still manual, i dont use templates or prefab bots, cuz where's the fun in that

did you get da money ?

did you get da votes ?

allright then
i think all that's lacking is the remainder carried over which requires something stored in a file, i maybe i should do a litte less digits someone told me they started voting after they got it lol, but i dont mind that because i dont believe in growing too fast, if i get 200 voters over no time, most will be 1% weightless so that means a minimum for everyone and less sp on the grow for me, i don't mind slow growth, as long as its steady and secure
that's eum, quite the achievement for whats left of my head these days overnight, but it gets easier when you can start to copy-paste, right? its code, use what you got to prevent the typos

i never went to school for it, that's why i'm not bound by conventions

the votes are manual ... checking accounts for staleness will require a separate night at my dev-speed i'm afraid, its a miracle i could do this in the middle of 10 interruptions per five minutes so far

i need sustainability, not the spotlight

and im willing to share to get that, i'll take everything that doesn't come with string attached too, just like anything i give doesnt have any

shin sekai

good luck getting your head out of the ass of the past (its not communism, thats your old world talking again, its not capitalism)

its what nature does best : symbiosis

i have no idea ... i can tell you i wont be buying lambo's

w0ps-sorry it's in development, right, beta .. can't expect it to make sense when it speaks

personally my advice , if you see a distrobot with low sp you check the reward vs amount of voters and you go for what gets you the most

its not about groupies, if this gets you more then it gets you more, if it gets you less
you only have ten votes a day that really count until you get some clout, its a learning process you're the a.i.
this part of the message will be gone on the next one, but it will always be here until they have to purge the chain for legal survival one day

cos that's how it works, i questioned it, a lot so far, but that's how it works, i knew thats how it works

i'm just amazed they would go for volume in the name of entrapment

i dont get it

but its not my company

and i shouldnt speak too much potential fud on something i have money on

not much

but a lot for me

well, get used to it, the mayans predicted it (like the hindus with the satya yuga) "the end of the world" people can no longer lie, the end of corruption, there's no entry at all in anything translated saying there will be a physical apocalypse, your teachers LOVE the spotlight

but either they don't know how to read

or ..

i wish curl would come pre-packed so i could say i don't use anything but a standard linux install, which i will, once i get my own distro verified by trusted sources, but first i need something that works, its a hobby thing, not a phoneboy thing, there's no money to be made by doing it

i just WANT to do it, i havent had that in a long time, and focus is still what it has been
... quite interruptible


its not python

so good luck

i care as much about you as you about me

lets not do that , lets do this

not this


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