hm ... ... i really should change my profile background on steemit

in rudyardcatling •  6 years ago  (edited)

Seeing as if censorship and free speech, wingnut-hipocrisy and in general classic formal rigid thinkink have always been some of my favourite topics to kick-the-can (play) with i think that's why i started out with a profile background like that ...

so ... since i seem to be a bit of everything, for which i don't apologize like i said before, i'm not pancake batter in need of consistency, im a complex adaptive system, a conscient entity and a brain trapped in a body. I'm also not really out to find whatever gets me the most min-maxing potential posts with cambridge steemalytics because i would get bored in weeks trying to be something i'm not so i'm stuck reading up and connecting to whatever catches my attention at the moment but

censorship HAS and was and will always be, but i got plenty of space to talk about that already so,

you know, as i already linked two replies big enough to be posts, without editing (that's cos i'm lazy and talentless, a freeloading piece of scum with no added value to corporate society ... or whatever makes you feel comfortable with yourself as long as you dont get physical ... i mean in a damage way ofcourse)

and always popular opinion but not every place has people who think you should walk this way and talk this way like their name was RUN DMC ? ... torrentfreak, next to slashdot is still one of the last bastions where opinion is valued over correctness in a- to z-words because face it, no matter what you say, there's always bound to be someone, but thats good

discussion if friction and friction is basically why everything exist, without friction there would be no energy and without energy there would be no matter as Einstein did or did not explain in a lot more words but a very small formula .. .which is ofcourse #metaverse, and something i could go on about , IF my head were in only a few places at once but i am smeared out too thin so why not link it while i have it ... instead of re-moddeling at like i did it especialy for here cos thats i dont know

thats something everyone should decide for themselves ... its also not to teach, explain or point fingers ... its ... like Vadim would say "a trip inside of my thoughts"

be careful, opinion might not converge with what you hold to be normal and it might need to be read twice before the message gets through the words ... like people getting stuck on f- and n-words or politicians debating on semantics, killing even the best of ideas because of gremmar nazis , the P-word is also a difficult topic where patriots from other sides instantly label you the enemy and in the name of free speech will try to shut you up.

which doesnt make me a patriot, geopolitics is so passé ... not if you would believe megacorp trying to control all of the visible internet through net neutrality lobbies and geoblocking (as if any of that actually changes anything at all other than pushing fringe further into shadows where they arent seen ...)

so ... before im off to bed on this dastardly sunny tuesday why not ... before i forget, maybe there's less clouds in my head when i wake up to the soothing dark of night ...

but i doubt that

Discussion on TorrentFreak 36 comments
Russia Blocks 500+ Google IPs & Domains, Fails to Shutdown Encrypted Chat App
My Phone
My Phone Χριστιανοκομμουνιστής 2 days ago
it shouldnt ... i personally still think Putin actually is a russian patriot but as all people with absolute power he's also still human, with all dire consequences. That said, i don't take sides on the matter, i can only say from all communication i ever had across the globe, news is always one-side. Television even worse, and since someone invented fake news after finding out the lawnmower man won't smite thee down for not telling the truth on teh webz its best to get information on one topic from several places, preferable non-activist AND non sponsored (but where would one find those ?) so you're left puzzling consistencies over several sources in order to figure out what's what ... i think oliver stones short series on Putin is pretty great btw ... i also think (i think a lot lately it seems) that you can't compare apples with lemons (well thats the fruit they use here), saying china is this and that while russia is so and so and the states is bleh and blah and the EU is meh and mah, different places different mores different tactics

and THAT said, i'll try to get back on topic. Any tool like that can be used for both good and bad intentions although the ones using it will probably always believe their intentions are the good ones. Tor was developed by the secret states and blew up in their face as it could be used by anyone and now is actually the main tool to 'hide' the dark web. Which is were net neutrality advocates get a beating stick since if the net is only google and facebook its a lot easier to control. Its also seems quite possible i once subscribed to a chinese video platform like youtube to show some albums to someone there but i get turned off by the fact that they check EVERY video uploaded before its published 'to the public' ... how that's done in a place with a billion+ people i have no idea but they seem to do it.

and THAT said, i'll draw my conclusion as a ronin draws for the fatal blow : i wonder how long it takes before we'll actually see split core dns and physically separated internet ... seeing as the world is and has been for while, moving towards separation and isolation it seems the logical next step for super-lords to take. Total block, if there's no physical connection you can hardly bypass anything
and THAT
that would be the beginning of the end

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well thats clearly not edited after the fact ...

i think i should at least try my hand on a few more logos

but ... pfff (yea thats the general feeling for months now)

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