(link to nextcity.org) How Blockchain Technology Could Make Zoning Work for People

in rudyardcatling •  6 years ago 

Somewhat specific yet quite actual in scandinavian territories at the moment for one thing and also : IT SAYS A.I. in the article . The magic word which turns glorified search algorithms into anything from superbrains to dalek overlords in the eyes of the mass(es? no, mass)-media who doesn't really get it ...

as usual, just like eebul h4xx0rz ... too many trollywood movies skew the image , add two handfuls of wishsfull thinking and a dash of self-fulfilling prophecy and you get something to write about endlessly to people who get it even less.

Basically the current state of A.I is that of a glorified search algorithm .. supercomplex going over datasets that would have been impossible to crunch with hardware 10yo, it's still actually not much more than that.
The biggest issues would be that (among many others) it has ZERO incentive, zero initiative and zero actual perception or interpretation which leads to stuff like self-driving cars potentially pulling hard brake on someone in the streetview wearing a t-shirt with a stop sign (try this one : take a picture of your room with some book or record in the back showing a face, even an outline, then upload it to facebook or google and check wether it asks you to tag people in it ... its as old as that, and as new as now for that matter)
and ... the dataset is collected by people from society AS IS, which basically has bias inthere as a standardized trojan so

hold your horses

on the dalek overlords ... i agree its much more concerning that it seems to be a replacement for actual think tank thought (which is dire enough as is seeing as most of those people have a very limited world inthere, its called a 'tank' for a reason after all) and a potential excuse to avoid responsibility by blaming it on "computer fault" as i often hear here on national news-tv ...

dude, there ARE no computer faults, you can have hardware malfunction but there ARE no computer faults, computers don't err, at the input it goes wrong, and at the output in the end, it gets interpreted by coloured sapient memory-collections , and mitnick would probably have something to say on the man in the middle lol

SO ... pardon me for simply linking to an article i think is relevant to the community here ;-)


(image from respective site)

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