i TOLD YOU : no fanfiction here far always happy, shiney people ... lasciate ogni esperanza voi che entrata for my demons fish for the souls of men
oh and thanks for the up @dannyshine, allow me to repay in kind as far as my meagre rep allows once im up to 100% obrigado, prego :p (yes mixo mucho)
yah, anyone who ever reads this rambling will know its not finished until its finished and static for a few hours but you know when i change my mind i consider it growing or evolving, i'm not black & white bipolar like you but according to some i might be ds(o)methingpolar so, isnt the world quid pro quo then danny boy, NO THEYLL NEVER KEEP ME DOWN, but i only veni vidi vici after alea already iacta est since divide et impera comes first
sun tzu would have been proud, jules
too many books they dont teach in school, yes one of my few regrets in life STILL : I SHOULD HAVE QUIT SCHOOL WHEN I WAS 16, THAT PLACE KILLED ME SLOWLY but by all means , if you're normal ? please do stay otherwise you wont survive this hell mentally, doesnt your bible say he casteteth down the angels to the fields of nephilim
"banned from the skies , never to return to the heavens" ?
well have you seen on the cosmic map where this place is ? it DOES make sense like that, sososoososososssosooooooo
phew, i think my surge is over for the day, im gonna lie back on the floor
wwwAh, peek-poke around, yes the fridge could use cleaning, there's always something, but see , DEARIE, allow me to share some ancient wisdom from the cat of shadows to the dark one , without entropy the universe would stop moving, there would be no action, without action no reaction, no friction and no energy so its imperative to the very existence of everything that your kitchen floor needs mopping by the time you're done upstairs
perpetuum mobile does exist on a macrocosmic scale, and if you read ALL of this and your brain isnt fried the CIA will probably try to enlist you
but JUST SAY NO, i got a criminal record so im already impossible to enlist in anything government or police related ... the only perk so far HAHAHAHAHAHA HAWMHAHMHWMHAMAHAMHAM (which is not really funny)
and so et al ... you should be careful poking the proverbial tiger in the cage cos he might have the key and the door might be unlocked, waiting like the leopard in the tree and according to Newton, if he had the concept of metaverse back in the day to EVERY action there's a reaction of AT LEAST equal power or more AND SO ... IM OUT OF BREATH thyping cpaz ... (this is actually the last bit, not at athe bottom)
well ... nuttin' ...
and since i developed pathological apathy due to prolongued exposure to van drukkerland (YES THATS A REFERENCE TO VAN DIEMENS i know its a hard act to follow)
but thats cos
precious ...
i havent done much in the last two weeks, im waiting to be activated ... and the shrink takes two months cos in hellgium mental health is booming (as a business) ...
SO ...
a bit o this here and a bit o that there, can i plagiarize myself ? for instance here :
(but the url wont last since its actually something thats designed to show only for 15 minutes a day on a different hour every day, randomly, i dont even know when its gonna, but i got caught by apathy before i could write the few php lines to randomize the url every time once it got picked the first time that day, so the next day its another one and , frankly my dear i dont care ... its cookiless so theres only one base url with a lot of includes and collapsing but)
theres more, some of it is 24 hour accessible and i havent gotten to neither the ao or ahou girl sections but i simply cant seem to care so ...
What was that? i wasn't listening
"i think some inbreed passed by the window trying to trigger, they do that on fridays ... for some reason onlyl inbreeds can fathom i guess.
if its about getting me outside, i have no money to spend and because the statejobshop circus i have no clue for how long until i know more. On top of that i'm on brainstuff so i dont think i can drink on that so that means there is literally NOTHING here and no single reason since i have catfood
it looks like you schemed yourself out of your little schemes by scheming snood plan van drukkerland, the inbreed way.
to poke the tiger in the cage, right. Right now the coffee is pushing me to hellfire state but that'l wear off in a few hours. I told you its apathy or hellfire, and i think right now apathy is the preferred state, for YOUR own good after all you did to me ... but i understand inbreed onecelled organisms could miss the point there
which makes me a narcist right, and the appearing passport makes me paranoid maybe schizo, in which case it makes me
what the fuck you expect from me and how that stateshop circus even thinks anything at all, im clearly not fit for your SMILE TEAM operation
on top of that i hurr once my file has been passed on to the office of controlling the weak and defenseless scapegoats it goes like this :
yea, me with my social worker attitude, its not that its just obnoxious, you got that wrong, i STARTED that cos i already have it in me, since im lazy, which means it was easy for me ...
it goes like this : they send it to the office of controlling and instilling fear in the weak and defenseless and even if i pro-actively ASK what their contact data is ? They tell me i can only contact them to ask to move "the hearing" ... and i can't add my own documents, statements and proof to the file UNTIL
tell me to come over ... now how's that for flanders democracy there?
i got all the mails right here, but i cant mail them to the inquisition because
thats not how its done
flanders bureaucracy up yo mommas ass and you think id be botherd with some local inbreed doing a little dance under my window ?
yea ... who's telling me what ? did you call the vatican again there's a demon possessed warlock reading your thoughts ?
your thoughts arent very hard to read since you're normal, which makes it very likely that they will be normal under any same given set of circumstance, thats what normality entails, "friend" (lol, friend ... i just explained to a korean that calling someone you dont know friend is from ancient english and it points out not that there is a reltationship but rather that you come in peace (this time) , like the right hand extended was used to show you didnt have your sword or dagger drawn ..., it doesnt mean anything other than that, BOY (i can say that to a white dude but not to a black dude, right ? even if they're equal ? can i say that to a brown dude ? are they NOT equal to black dudes cos i cant say it to black dudes? and what kind of brown ? arab-brown ? mexican brown ? is there a difference ? can i say boy to a native american kid without being sued or something ? are they not equal to black dudes too ?? Oh i see, so its only the black dudes who are different from all the rest, okay i get it
good now i have timeclickers to click since i have no money and no place i wanna go i can afford and FUCK YOU
oh ?
well if you're scared maybe :
"you should be" or maybe
"you should move to mexico if you dont wanna see me anymore" and
ignorance is no excuse and
lots of stuff, how do your words sound to you ?
oh, NO way , precious you aint twisting my words into "we are all children of blah" , thats NOT what im communicating here, im rubbing your own shit in your own face up yo mommas ass, if vendetta could be cancelled it would be a joke
you are not like me, i am not like you, you made that clear decades ago
dont twist my fucking words, but listen to your own, i just spoke them, not much i can do i'm afraid, im too old, im too rigid, i cant change, im not flexible, i have no talent and who give me blah anyway and
I WAS DOING FINE, YOU STUCK ME HERE, you ruined my life, my future and my dreams, i havent had one day of life since
short version
alredy more than you deserve ... i lost my little birdie when you stuck me here but there's shadows everywhere man, you seem to have ignored the 30.000 metafors on cat of shadows and the vorlons like those statejob bitches ignored my mails
no i havent actually anything, not on this site, not on the ebe visual ed page, not in GG not in appkit, nothing, im an arcade machine, i dont work without coins inserted
SO ... maybe im just a "revolutionist" writer, and a programmist who can't write revolutionARY (things) since im actuall nothing but yet another marketeer in a lousy disguise who did some research on common denominators
yea, that was almost funny if fun still existed it probably would have been, acting all content nazi and all that... anyway ... as long as im stuck here my life is over already so fuck that too
and maybe a bit here ...
somewhere in the replies, all my slashdot newsletters are piling up and all i do is timeclickers and i think even the houselords are in on the local yokel scheme, its not like i could trust anyone who kicked me out into the street once before after all, HOW THE FUCK CAN I KNOW THEY WONT TRY THAT AGAIN ? TELL ME PRECIOUS ? HOW CAN I KNOW?
allright then .... FUCK BELGIUM #fuckwhales
Okayh , activators ...
and here i thought id be getting medical amphetamines hm ?
PURELY PSYCHOSOMATIC ... .lazy , ... coward, GAY (im still not sure where exactly thats supposed to fit in lol cos im not and i cant classify the insult)
what strikes me most, good sir, is ... in ALL these years, i have had my whole body scanned, my blood tested twice a year, there is ZERO disease in it other than wear and tear of a 60year old if i can believe your experts BUT IN ALL THOSE YEARS
you have never scanned my head for braindamage i mean ...
i spent almost two years daily on crack, heroin and speed ... i mean MY shit was uncut but i have no idea what i snorted from other motherfuckers, for all i know they put rock salt or fucking crystallized acid in it (if it stings it sells, right ?)
on top of that i got my head kicked around WAY more than i got convicted for hospitalizing people ... and i actually never called police on that, or got money for that ?
so , its an actual ... and actually if i consider it from a vulcan logic point or even sherlock holmes the first step before attempting to correct chemical imbalance is eliminating possiblities starting with the easiest
a brainscan ...
but no one ever did that, so now i'm curious
and see, this is where i get convinced that my apathy is pathological
it doesnt even scare me to think that i might have permanent physical braindamage
back to the inbreed, studio, Suzan ! or who was that , Marjorie ! or no wait, HELLLga
yea ... sometimes a parrot talks ... but it doesnt really speak to me