to those who might concern it : the new German Hatespeech law

in rudyardcatling •  7 years ago 


Other than the European laws on "the right to be forgotten" which are not really pro-actively enforced but still might be if a group of people decides to go civil against a corporation or in this case social network. Which might cause trouble on a network where nothing thats actually in it can ever be deleted.

please RTFA yourself

Which might be why a few obeses fish have been pushing me down since day one. Standard normal as middle of the bell curve as it gets dictatorial / censor behaviour : just blackout or whiteout a few lines and dream on that that will change the laws of physics and nature
of reality.
well you know what i have to say about that :


Which is REALLY a legal block for something like steemit, given the way it's built. I know there's "censorship on steemit" ( L M A O ) ... because basically some fat fish just votes you down once and the post is 'hidden' ... not 'censored'

Talk about semantics, so i talk about legalism ... same thing.

You can RTFA since i dont want to spend much time in a plce where a few people dictate what is "steemian" and what is not but it boils down to networks with 2.000.000 users or more HAVE to take down any post deemed "hate" by the state of germany or face a hefty fine.

Combined with said previous "right to be forgotten" this could technically boil down to steemit being legally barred from operating within German or maybe even European borders

i don't do popular topics and i certainly don't do convenient truth. Truth is as subjective as the number of eyes of flies on the planet

SO ... fatso sushi mega already rich by daddy money bought my voting power now you bow to me types :

this is legalist reality. "hiding" does not make it go away and censoring means

it was all a lie from the start
(which it was ... but a few are getting rich thats for sure :)

so, alleycat out , up yo momas ass and fuck you whale bitch


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thanks much for the upvotes, i will check you back later when im at 100% again :p
