Just another day in the neighborhood.

in rulebyforce •  6 years ago 

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While you were going about your business today, children were slaughtered for their organs, bombed for being born to the wrong side of the war, and just generally pushed around for being smaller than everybody else.

Have you ever taken the time to really observe what people do to their children?
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Have you seen the way parents talk to their children?
Why, if i talked to them that way, well maybe not me, but if somebody they thought they could take in a fight talked to them like that, they'd literally freak out.
For sure if the kid talked to them the way they talk to the kid, there would be hell to pay, by the kid.
You just accept it, as if it was normal for bullies to push around folks that are weaker than them.
You join in your own victim shaming, 'Yes sir, i was speeding. Can you just run my debit card now?'
You act like bullies pushing folks around is the way things should be.
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Take a minute to examine the things you have been led to accept.
You may be surprised by the things you have been overlooking.

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I think some discipline is good but we do need to work to improve our own lives, the lives of our friends and neighbors and the world.

Sounds like anarchy to me!

Theoretically under any system you could try and do it but I think capitalism is the best and perhaps only real option. Even under free market capitalism people can still do "dumb" stuff like buy a $100,000 car and lose $10,000 the day they drive it off the lot.

why is that dumb ?

It's generally not the greatest for wealth creation. Overall it seems like our society is pretty wasteful. If you bought a new $100,000 car and kept it 10 or 20 years it might not be bad but you lose a lot of depreciation if you buy a new car every 3 years. We also scrap a lot of old cars that I think could be saved.

but life has nothing to do with wealth creation. Don't you think it sad that people put 'wealth creation' so high up their list of important stuff?
By the way, I am not an anarchist, voluntaryist, communist.....Im a prioritist lol

Yes it does. If we started spending our lives and focused on wealth destruction we would quickly die.
I'd rather be rich and not have to work as much than be poor and have to work more.

Or, we could end 'poor' as a concept?

Yep, just as there is only one god and jeebus is his name!
Please stop loving your slavery, i realize master lets you into the house, and gives you all day saturday for your own time, but dont forget, if you ever knew, what it is to be in the fields and on the whipping block as an example to keep the house slaves in line.

Messiah is a better translation.
I do want more freedom but not anarchy where people have freedom to kill me. Animals have freedom and part of that freedom is the ability to kill you and eat you. lol

Why you refuse to let it go that anarchy will be chaos is getting old.
Anarchy is the mother of order, and you can bet criminals will be dealt with.
An attack on one is an attack on all.

The animals still eat a few of us a year, and we got nukes!
That is the cost of not genociding them.

Under the definition of anarchy there would be no government and no laws against murder.
Animals have anarchy and can kill each other with no consequences.
Good luck if a gang of armed thugs attacks you which would be completely legal under anarchy.

Yes, but will you sit still while your wife gets raped, or your best friend gets murdered, because of an absence of paper, robes, and uniforms?

I say freedom, and the panopticon, end crime, mostly.

'Legal' is bs to keep the slaves on the plantation.
Look how it causes you to embrace your slavery.
You cant even contemplate life outside of its confines, and you think you are free?
Falsely. The perfect slave.

Have you driven to the store without your seatbelt, yet?
You know, because you are free?

I agree with you, this is democracy.

Yeah I don't think anarchist want to acknowledge reality. Even under anarchy anarchists would have the freedom to form a democracy. lol

Male circumcision is simply child abuse, FGM is even more evil, and continuing on the religious theme from whence all evil comes ....children taught in all religions that if they don't believe in god, who allegedly loves them, they will burn in hell for all eternity....

Matthew 19:13-14
Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Unless they don't believe in my dad in which case i'll burn the little shits...
All it takes is religion to discover pure evil

Hi, hope youre healthy and happy :-)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Police car chases you for speeding:
"Hey man, that was too fast".
"Same with you officer who caught up with me"

They got to double your speed to catch you anytime soon.

Haha, yeah xD

I have never used discipline once & never had a problem once. It's just not an effective way to teach & I'm lazy like that, Why make work harder than it needs to be?