Hi everyone. It's been many days since I last posted anything here.
As I already said in my previous post, I will try my best to post at least every other day, but let's make it 1,2 or 3 posts a week for now.
So, for today I want to share with you all why I hate rules. For me, rules are boundaries set by others, which I never liked from the beginning.
This doesn't mean I don't have rules or ethics, or I don't follow any rules; it only means I don't want to follow rules that others think are right for me.
Let's start with the rules. What are they and how can we make sure they are right?
For example, in Switzerland there has been a socially accepted rule of flushing before 10 PM and after 7 AM, which means everybody needs to finish their business before the clock strikes ten at night( well, this is not a blanket rule, but mostly accepted by locals). Similarly, Thailand has an underwear rule, or hat rule for pregnant women in Madagascar or Germany's never run out of gas traffic rule.
There are so many rules in every country or region that don't make sense but since they are rules we need to follow them.
Once my mentor told me and I quote,
“Sahil break rules and no one can stop you from being successful”
I don't want to say rules are bad but many don't really make sense and we still like to follow them because, you know, they are rules. ;)
Now, here I am not talking about official rules and regulations, I am more concerned about rules that were not written or are not spoken, they are just observed and followed silently.
Rules that create a taboo in society. Rules that people follow blindly because their elders did the same. Do you know any such rules or customs or myths?
Sometimes I feel like these old unwritten rules are the friction that is stopping our society from progressing at full potential, but other times I think about the WHY behind these rules.
Why our elders choose to follow these rules, why they even agreed to follow these rules. I feel confused over the source of these and the purpose.
I am from India, and for me it's a common thing, every other mile you travel you will find regional and local myths or rules, people will recommend you to do this and not that.
They never tell us the reasoning behind such sayings. Sometimes these sayings are very common across the country with minor variations like do not go out if someone Sneezes from behind, stop and rest for a few minutes, I mean what's the point in such belief?
Legal rules are one thing, but I really hate these rules which have no basis or logic. What about you? How do you respond to such sayings or beliefs? Please do reply, I would be more than happy to understand your point of view over this. Thanks and regards. Sahil :)