Monday Rundown

in rundown •  6 years ago 


So. Metastasis is over. Kinda weird to think about, given how long it was going.

I'm kinda glad it's over, not because I don't like writing, but because I like to actually finish things. Eventually, I will be going back over it to fix typos, revise dialogue, and generally improve the story to then self publish it. No idea when I will actually finish this, but in the meantime, I need to decide on the series to replace it.

I have a full story, Supercide, that I can start posting chapter by chapter. I need to edit it anyways to finish publishing it, so it's a good fit. However, if you follow me, and you have a specific short story or pilot you want me to continue, PLEASE let me know. I'm more than happy to write a story that someone really wants to read, even if it's only a single person reading. Unless that happens, I will continue with my plans to start posting Supercide.

In related news, the lineup will be a bit different this week while I wait for potential feedback. Mostly it will be just opinion pieces on things, but Tuesday specifically has something I think is really interesting. Granted, it's about a Minds user, but I include all necessary context. If you haven't read any of the previous Log Thots, let's just say they are about a bit of a colorful character.

Here is the lineup for this week:

  • Tuesday: Thot Logs 3: Trolls Blocked
  • Wednesday: Meandering Musing: Taking a Breather
  • Thursday: Meandering Musing: Steemit Viability
  • Friday: Free Book Friday

Have a good week, everyone.

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