Russia are GOLDEN!

in russia •  6 years ago 

Russia now owns 17% of the worlds precious metal (GOLD). They are obviously gearing-up for when the worlds FIAT Currencies crash to a valuation of zero! Now that the Chinese have launched the Petro-Yuan (which is backed by Gold) to rival the Petro-Dollar (which is only backed by faith) you can clearly see why the Petro-Yuan is the currency which the East is starting to switch to and is certainly more appealing to the countries in the Middle-East which produce oil. The worlds monetary powers are shifting from West to East (and the pendulum of power and riches now swings back to the East). The end of the $US is on the horizon but it isn`t something that will happen quickly, it is likely to happen over a period of twenty years or so rather than a couple of years. But with the rise of Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies and the Alt-Coins there is no doubt that the old monetary system is dying-off anyway.Oil-Fields.jpg

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