Russia's Imperial Hubris Interferes in Syria's Fight for Survival

in russia •  7 years ago 

Of course they're not (talking about supplying their ally with more protection). Supplying Syria with the legitimate right to protect itself - better - is anathema to the 'Imperial Culture'. All it takes is the war seeking Zionists to whisper in their ears.

This may come as a surprise to many, but I've recently suggested that Russia support for Syria is becoming more and more suspect. This is just another concrete sign of an intentional systematic and casual extraction.

Shady Moves

I've argued that Russia's inherent imperial tendencies were the driving force (the need to please/satisfy other imperials - in this case the Zionists) - it’s a dangerous proposition that in essence places Syria at more risk.

The bottom-line is that Russia once again proves that it has the propensity to abandon friends and allies. There are some arguably shady moves that don't add up in the bigger picture: (Russia signs on to destroy Libya; Russia joins in sanctioning Iran; Russia allows Israel to continuously bomb Syria; Russia turns the other way as Turkey invades Syria; Russia coordinates with US/Nato to bomb Syria, etc.).

Now it's not that Russia isn't helping Syria to some extent, but the 'imperial redlines' are becoming as clear as day - and this can be (more) problematic, and something for concern to both Syria (and Iran) and its people.

The consolation prize remaining would be found in the proverbial saying "You learn and you grow". Yet, what's left out is the fact that it may be too late to learn - there's no learning curve left in this matter.

Of course, all parties should continue to work together as much as possible- there are few alternatives - but both Syria and Iran should move forward with caution, and become more informed about the realities on the ground (In my opinion).

Rather than blindly trusting and entrusting they (Syria and Iran) should become more vigilant in their awareness about the facts on the ground, with continual adjusting.

Seeking Power Over the Concern for People

I posit that because of Russia's imperial hubris. it has move to the precipe for showing the world that it is no better or worse than any other imperial.

Imperials prioritize geostrategic global positioning over real humanitarian intervention. 'coming to the rescue' is losing its luster for Russia in this sordid affair - and fast. Ironically, this was the only edge that they had.

In other words, if their position in the world power elite is not being advanced, the people/masses will become only puns in the game. This reality does not bode well for Syria, nor Iran - or the world's peace movement.

The most damning thing for Russia is that it hasn't learned from its past dealings. It appears that they have an infinity for playing the bad guy on the world stage.

The real tragedy is that they've been in a position to lead a paradigm shift - their role in the Middle East afforded them opportunity to break-out. They are failing badly.

Unfortunately their failure to step-up to the plate has made their multipolar world argument seem like a ploy for fooling the people. In others words, it's not that they don't believe in a multi-polar world, but it just that they seem to mean only within the parameters Imperial rule. They must continue ruling together, and become better at sharing the spoils. And, to hell with the masses - they are only subjects.


So, finally, let's be clear, Russia is not the world's savior - it's a fake narrative that has served historically as the 'fake' mantra for much imperial intervention, like forever.

But, what is becoming astoundingly clear is that they are the global Trojan horse for the imperial-multi-polar club (Just like Turkey).

They are willing to sell their souls (it seems) to the highest bidder

Once again, this presupposition may have not been clear before, but it is clearer today. Besides, all they ever wanted was to be a certified member of the 'Imperial Club' (US, EU, Britain, France) and satisfy the Zionists, and less more the Sadlufists - and that hopeless desire has further threatened their own existence as their country is now surrounded by the deadly mechanisms of destruction by the same imperials that they are begging to be a part of.

Power has corrupted Russia (Remember, it did before). This is the singular element that all imperial have in common. The folly in seeking absolute power and prestige that corrupts absolutely.

Russia has screwed its friends [China beware!] as the club that they so desperately want to be a part will (simultaneously) screw them further as well - and absolutely.

They've missed an opportunity to be the global harbinger for world peace - opting instead to just please the boys. This is very sad. Of course, one shouldn't blame Russia solely for this miscalculation, many have historically failed - blinded by an agenda that is highlighted by lying; cheating; manipulating; betrayal; illusion of power; enticement; ignorance; hegemony; and arrogance. They won't be the first or the last to meet a catastrophic fate.

Now, the most threaded and feared outcome is the possibility that when Russia realizes that it has been screwed, and by extension, its friends are screwed. that may be the final motivation needed for hem to pull the switch needed to start the world's nuclear holocaust.

Welcome to the club Russia.

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