
in russia •  last year 

Americans interviewed Nazi Hitler of Germany during World War II but God forbid if Tucker Carlson talk to Putin of Russia is what the left is saying, what might SCOTUS say, The Supreme Court, what would Trump do, Alex Jones reporting. Putin told Tucker Carlson Russia started in 862 AD and that their borders overlapped with what might be Ukraine today. Putin gifted Tucker Carlson with historical documents to help show Tucker and the world the facts, the history, of what happened over the course of many centuries, The Vladimir Putin Interview.

OATMEAL DISCORD SERVER HAS 500 MEMBERS EVEN AS THE INVITE LINK WAS USED 2,136 TIMES MEANING OVER A THOUSAND PEOPLE PROBABLY LEFT THIS SERVER MEANING MOST PEOPLE DO LEAVE NOT COUNTING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WHO SAW THE INVITE LINK BUT NEVER CLICKED ON IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. Vladimir Putin told Tucker Carlson that Bill Clinton told Putin around 2000 that NATO would not let Russia join NATO. Putin said he was open to negotiating joining NATO, this is the kind of thing that Trump would say regarding making deals, the art of the deal.

Video: Oatmeal Life Outline in less than 60 seconds, 1985-2023, 38 years. My reaction video to Tucker Carlson interviewing Putin of Russia.

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