Arrested in Russia - In Russland verhaftet!

in russia •  8 years ago  (edited)


How to get arrested in Russia? How to manage it? One reason could be, if you have a wrong Russian Visa with you :D Well this happened to me and Ørjan in Russia. While I was traveling by train from Moscow to Astana (Kazakhstan) we got arrested in Russia for having a wrong Visa with us. I want to correct my sentence, Ørjan was traveling with me and he got his wrong Russian Visa in his passport :P

That is how the typical train station looks like when you are leaving the border of Russia to enter the border of Kazakhstan

Every person got controlled to get stamped out of Russia, border police are checking your Visa. If you have a mistake in your Visa document you will get thrown out of the train, you can not leave Russia to enter the border of Kazakhstan. They will put you into a police car and taking you with. Well that is their work and that happened to us. I was pretty nervous and did not know how our travel will be continued ...

I was not allowed to make any photos ... This is the only one photo memory of my adventure in front of the huge police station

Or as they said to me: "The Russian FBI" ... I felt how my sweat was dropping on the floor because of fear :D And do you notice that Russian police women wear high heels and a short skirt:P :) quite funny to see it .. One is sure you will meet stone faced people in this kind of building.

We were interrogated for one hour, a camera was recording our speech. My travel mate Ørjan had to answer many question about his plans in Russia. He could not understand even one word in Russian and I had to translate him every sentence. He just had to answer yes or no! He answered in Russian (da - yes , nyet - no). It was quite funny to see him to say this two words :P :P
I do not want to write which questions the police were asking us, cause I am sure that would be not legal to publish it.

We had to spend one night there to get a new Russian Visa, cause the office in the station was closed. But what to do there? How to spend this special day?

Yeah this was the area around us ... Sometimes a picture is saying more than thousand words ...

On the next day we got the Visa and had just few hours time to go out of Russia to get not deported out of the Country, that would be the hell, our trip would be destroyed and we would have to return to Europe back. Hellll noooo !!!

I was running next to a street and begun to hitch hike with my cast on my right arm...

An older nice Russian citizen was driving us as fast as possible to the border of Kazakhstan

The nerves were bare but we made it :D

And by the way, during the whole way to the police station our police guy was listening the album of 50 Cent "It is your Birthday" :P :P

One of my memory in my Passport is my cancelled Visa :p I am still proud to show this stamp to my friends, cause no one could tell me a similar travel story

But what was wrong with the Visa, just the date was wrong, I already posted how to get a Russian Visa on Steemit to prevent problems during your trip in Russia :P

See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German


Wie schafft man es als freundliches Wesen in Russland verhaftet zu werden? Ein Grund wäre, wenn man nicht das richtige Visum mit sich trägt :D Genau das ist Ørjan und mir passiert. Während ich mit dem Zug von Moskau nach Astana (Kasachstan) unterwegs war wurden wir von Grenzpolizisten aus dem Zug heraus geschleppt, der Grund waren falsche Visa Daten. Ich korrigiere nochmal: Ørjan war mit mir auf Reisen und hatte falsche Daten im Visum eingetragen bekommen :P

So schauen die typischen Grenzübergänge an der Russischen Grenze aus, kurz bevor man die Kasachische Grenze passieren möchte

Jede einzelne Person wird aus Russland ausgestempelt, die Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren nochmal deine Visa Dokumente. Sollte auch nur ein Fehler vorhanden sein ist es aus und vorbei, raus aus dem Zug und mitkommen heisst es dann. Es ist nicht möglich Russland mehr zu verlassen, um die Grenze nach Kasachstan zu überqueren. Du wirst in ein Polizeiauto gesteckt und erst mal mitgenommen. Genau das ist uns passiert. Ich war ziemlich nervös und wusste auch nicht mehr wie die geplante Reise weiter gehen wird ..

Ich durfte keine Fotos knipsen ... Das ist das einzige Bild, dass ich geschossen habe, um dieses Erlebnis festzuhalten. Auf dem Bild befinden wir uns vor der riesigen Polizei Station

Oder wie die Grenzpolizisten es nannten: "Das russische FBI" ... Ich fühlte wie mein Schweiss herunter kullerte, naja ich hatte halt Angst :P Ist es dir aufgefallen, dass russische Polizistinnen hohe Schuhe und kurze Röcke tragen :) Es war amüsant .. Doch eins ist sicher, die typischen strengen und versteinerte Gesichter wird man im Gebäude oft antreffen.

Wir wurden eine Stunde vor laufender Kamera verhört. Mein Reisepartner Ørjan musste viele Fragen über seine Pläne in Russland beantworten. Er hat kein einziges Wort auf russisch verstanden, ich musste alles übersetzen. Er antwortete immer nur entweder mit "Ja" oder "Nein"! Er antwortete auf russisch (ja-da , nein-njet). Es war alles sehr unreal, jedoch auch irgendwie sehr lustig :D
Ich möchte nicht auf die Details der Fragen eingehen, da ich denke, dass dies nicht legal wäre hier zu veröffentlichen .

Wir mussten eine Nacht im Ort verbringen, um ein neues Visum zu bekommen, da das Büro für heute erstmal auf Station geschlossen hatte. Nun was jetzt? Wie kann man diesen besonderen Tag mit Aktivitäten füllen?

Das war die Umgebung um uns herum .. manchmal sagt ein Bild mehr als tausend Worte ...

Am nächsten Tag war das richtige Visum im Pass! Wir hatten nur einige Stunden Zeit Russland zu verlassen, um nicht abgeschoben zu werden, das wäre nämlich die Hölle, unsere Reise wäre zerstört. Russland hätte uns in den nächsten besten Flieger gesteckt und wir würden früher als uns lieb wäre Europa wieder erreichen... Nieeeemmmaaalllssss !!!

Ich rannte so schnell es mit Gips möglich war an eine gut befahrene Strasse und fing an Autos anzuhalten ...

Ein älterer Russe hat uns netterweise, so schnell sein Auto es zuliess an die Kasachische Grenze gebracht

Die Nerven waren echt blank, doch wir haben es geschafft :D

Meine Erinnerung in meinem Pass: cancelled Visa :P Sagen wir mal so, heute bin ich Stolz diesen Stempeln meinen Freunden zu zeigen, da keiner dieses Erlebnis nachmachen kann :P

Ach ja und auf dem Weg zur Polizeistation im Dienstwagen durften wir das 50 Cent Album mithören "It is your Birthday" :P :P

Und was war nun der Grund für das ganze Tam Tam :) Es war ein falsches Datum im Visa Dokuemnt eingetragen! Ich habe schon ein Post-Eintrag verfasst wie man sich ein Visum für Russland richtig beschafft, um Probleme während einem Russlandaufenthalt zu verhindern :P

See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

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Omg! That's one more adventure in your life! And how a huge and strange adventure. Scary! Good luck onwards! Upvoted! :)

I'm glad things worked out for you. Although I think generally, especially here in North America, people are given the wrong perceptions about Russia. Although they have rules that must be followed and they take them very seriously, I feel that Russians can be quite reasonable and honorable (at least from the few I've known over here).

I live in Canada and for most of my life near the USA border in the Great Lakes region near cities like Detroit. It was common to hear local news stories about Canadian teenagers and adults arrested by the American Coast Guard and sent immediately to American Federal prison cells in the interior of the country. Some were maximum security prisons where the most hardened prisoners from Detroit and elsewhere are sent.

Their crimes you ask? One minute they are leisurely (and legally) fishing in the river between the two countries when their boat strays briefly over the invisible border in the water. When they are intercepted by U.S officials they realize they forgot their identification at home that day (never planning to cross into the USA). They are just wearing t-shirts, shorts and flip flops a couple kms from their homes. Ooops. Yes. In some cases it would take parents and lawyers months to retrieve their loved ones from US prison cells. That's scary.

Did they make a mistake - yes.
Were the US authorities overreacting - perhaps.

Great post!

Thank you for your great comment it was quite interesting to read it and yeah I agree that the US authorities were overreacted, I think they exactly know which people are dangerous and which not, if they are living next to the border I doubt it :P ... yeah Russia has very strict rules, sometimes I wish some of their rules would be also in Germany. Cause sometimes I think Germany is a paradise for crime ...sry for my english it is just my school english :P

Your English is just fine - much better than my German, ha ha! And it was plenty good to hook me in to your suspenseful story.

hehe thanks :)

@freeinthought, That's scary wtfff!!!! No wonder why they are called most fucked up cops in the whole world !!!!

Was für eine Story :D Aber hauptsache sie ist gut ausgegangen^^

:D ja ^^

WOW!!!! What a story!!!! I'll be aware when visit Russia

:D Russia is cool :P

Oh my god, I would have died out of fear! :D

I almost died yes :D

Hello Russia


What a story however great that all went well. Wish you more success.

hehe thanks a lot :)

welcome, keep steeming.

Lol, you went through a lot

Thanks for sharing!

hehe you are welcome , thanks for reading xD

Na, dann alles Gute für den weiteren Aufenthalt. Wie das man dem Datum passieren konnte, verstehe ich nicht - muss ich auch nicht. :-)

Sprichst Du etwa auch Russisch?

Dankeschön :) hehe das mit dem Datum ist eine sehr lange Geschichte xD ja ich spreche auch fliessend russisch :) Danke fürs lesen , lg Lena

"spreche auch fliessend russisch" beneidenswert.

du kannst es erlernen :) es ist nicht einfach aber möglich

Vielleicht in meinem nächsten Leben, an das ich nicht glaube. :-)


Hello russia.



Want to swap lives for a while? You seem to be having some fantastic adventures.

you are the creator of your life, it is always good to remember, how could you fill your life with adventure?

I think my parents were the creator of my life, haha. But yes, I agree, and I've been searching for the answer to that question for a long time.

Interesting post. So glad everything worked out well with you. What happened to your arm? Did I miss this in your post?

thanks ! I just felt off my bike and broke my right wrist

Great history and post, thanks!

thank you very much !!

They say travel is all about making memories, full of adventure. Guess your trip took this saying literally 😛 But, the police station / The Russian FBI area doesn't look that bad to spend an evening or night!
Anyway, glad to know everything went well at the end 😊

hehe yeah literally .P :P :P heheh thanks a lot :)

Das sind ja Abenteuer! Ich glaube, da hätten meine Nerven auch blank gelegen.
Weiter moch eine schöne Reise, hoffentlich ohne solche "Abenteuer". 😃😉

hehe ja die Nerven waren leicht gereizt :P :P danke dir :) !!

Equal parts terrifying and hilarious! Lady cops in heels and skirts, listening to 50 cent in the police car - priceless!

hehe yeah it was really priceless and it felt more like a comedy !!

Was wäre eine Reise ohne Abenteuer ? Im Hotel entspannen kann jeder.... Super gemeistert die Aktion. Upvoted!

hehe da gebe ich dir Recht, es war zwar nervenaufreibend aber unvergesslich :) danke dir!

Hopefully, everything goes well. it reminds me my experience at the US Customs check at Atlanta airport. We look weird and questions begin to be more intense. yes, after a 10 hours of flight, i am sorry that i'm not fresh anymore and plus i hate flight travels but i am human lol. It's cool that you are relieved and could continue your trip. Take my shoes, my chocolate bars i don't care but i want to continue my trip loll. i wish you a beautiful day, lena !

hehe xD thanks a lot for your comment and I wish you a nice evening and also a beautiful evening :)

Eine verrückte Geschichte und tolles Erlebnis... auch wenn sie in dem Moment alles andere als lustig war. Aber es sind genau diese Stories, die man auf Reisen erlebt, nie wieder vergisst und erzählenswert sind. Nicht wahr?

Da hast Du sicherlich sehr gute Nerven gebraucht .......Bin sehr froh dass Du wieder in Deiner Heimat bist......

well that went well... I guess Russia is cool !
Hello Russia

Nice travel...happy weekend...and have a nice day.., nice post @lenatramper...greetings

What a shocking and rather scary experience!!! You speak Russian, @lena?? And Norwegian and German and English...and what more? Wow!

I'm so happy you got a happy hitchhiking experience to make up for this adventure-filled scare! :))

Ach, Mensch, Lena, was für ein Erlebnis. Ich hoffe du bist okay und sicher nach deiner Reise.

Anyone in Russia with a uniform is best avoided. That's my experience too.