US Russian Relations At Lowest Point in History - Podcast

in russia •  7 years ago 

News from AP - US relations with Russia are at their lowest point ever. Russian military experts do not think that US politicians understand that Vladimir Putin will respond forcefully if Russian assets are attacked.

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This empire of lies is dead man walking anyways . They need to start a war because there is just NO MATHEMATICAL way for them to escape financial ruin . This is the real reason ZIONIST lead American forces are trying so hard to go to war . And the Zionist don’t give a SHIT how many people die as long as ISAREL isn’t the target 🎯 , but it isn’t working out the way they’ve planned . And thats because the internet which they help to create to control the population has backfired on them . It is in essence their FRANKENSTEIN , and they just don’t know how to pull the plug . They’ve painted themselves into a corner and have nowhere to go but DOWN . So they’re more then willing to take the entire planet down with them . Now don’t forget that ISRAEL has their SAMPSON OPTION . This is their nuclear response in case they’re overrun by an enemy . Where are those nukes aimed at is the real question . Are they aimed at America ❓Can they be aimed at all ❓These are the questions we should be demanding an answer for . Thank you sir , I’m so happy to see you here on STEEMIT 👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻