in russia •  last year 


'Lemme get this straight.

Prigozhin, who is fully funded by the Russian Government, is close with Putin, and engaged in disinformation psyops like “no ammo in Bakhmut; says crazy shit again, and the 🇺🇦 folks didn’t even consider the possibility it was Russian disinformation? 😂

There was no civil war. There were zero casualties. It was just Prigozhin being batshit crazy like he always is, and right back to the frontlines after his outburst.

What do I think? I think Prigozhin is working with Pu tin as usual to accomplish any number of goals.

What did Putin gain? The disguise of the movement of mass quantities of his troops, the appearance of being weak to bait Ukraine to attack (they did and lost outside Artyomovsk), and he weeded out any traitors who may have tried to join with Prigozhin.

What did Putin ultimately lose? Nothing.

There was no civil war. No civilians in danger. And now the country and the public are galvanized around him.

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