The Truth be Told shockleftmedia kkkonz Piracy

in russia •  5 years ago  (edited)

My reply on YouTube 8-13-2020

[ COVID2020 a new name]download.jpeg

@truthbetold My people will die from a lack of the knowledge that I have gained from doing what I call: The Keiser Report Marathon. This can be confirmed on the steemit blockchain way back in 2017.

Hindsight Is 20/20

[ Geerge Soros's BLM]

The banksterdz stole everybody's homes. Not all of them but more than enough back in 2008 to easily fund today's new world disorder takeover by Soros''s blackkkwhite lives don't matter Antifa .

[Russia got the Loot]

The Russians did it. Sold all of their Fannie Mae bonds in 2008. They gave all the money to Juri Milner, son of ole Boris, the business organisational structure genius whose daddy remains a Secret.

[Frabricating Bionano Machines]

IMF probably gave Juri kkkontroll of the dollaz. He's over here supposedly hiding from Putin. They're on some Smart Robotic MKULTRA roach spray courtesy of NOAH, NASA, &NIACS.

[Google images]

Stole the Hollywood prediction market from Max Keiser. Stole Dynamic Indexing of relational electronic data from LEADER technology over there at Americans for Innovation. Took all of Nikola Tesla's genius and lefth hm broke.

[Google images]

Stole the people's right to coin debt free currency. All this has been chained to the BLOCKS anchored by 0ne Satoshi. We all Satoshis now. The New Normal

[Get the book]



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