New Strong Laws In Russia About Religion

in russia •  7 years ago  (edited)

Russia has passed very strong laws watching or limiting religious groups in response to fanaticism. Lets see this in context of their rich history.


What an interesting history Russia has. It is like the other world of Europe, with all their own ways of dealing with the middle ages and recent times.

When I was there, everyone was excited about so many things. It is a beautiful country of much potential with many amazing diverse people, and I feel sad that they may be struggling in some ways.

Unique Place And History

What makes this country unique? Literature for one, such as Tolstoy. Another is Russian Orthodox is different and even special in some ways, a worthy alternative to Catholicism. Entrepreneurism is pretty strong there, flowing in their blood. A respected grandmother population who are greater in number than the older men. There are many good people there who have learned to work together and share with neighbors.

Think about Russia and Europe, how they lived under a standard of kings and queens. How their culture was shaped by the Roman Church or Roman European rule. The unifying effect of such a background, means that this part of the world has experienced many similar things.

As the world has advanced so has the desire to throw off unpopular monarchy or despotism of any kind. Many nations have suffered or struggled through the evolution of human advancement. Often, it has not been pretty.

Tolstoy talked about how important the peasant class was, who were somewhat happy in and not totally aware of their deprived state. He thought they deserved enough education to at least know, and change their own situation, if desired.

A More Communal System

Many worked with much effort to bring about a fairer system and one in which they could think freely. Because the Church had such control traditionally and otherwise on their thinking, it became an obstacle to a rather strong and separate way of thinking. The monarchy and nobility were also overthrown.

I am not sure how historical accurate the play Fiddler on the Roof is, but it is informative. Interestingly, one of the characters is altruistically behind and wanting to help a movement that may have proceeded communism.

More Struggles With Despotism

In my opinion, those of the earlier 20th century succeeded somewhat but at very high prices. I feel like I am not in a position to judge accurately, but surely the Russian people were betrayed by rising leaders in the communist movement. Nevertheless, costly progress of a sort was made in minor, but future-important ways.

There have been many hard times for many people there, and I believe it has often softened them into kinder, more understanding people, while making them very strong, resilient and determined.

After years of a different kind of cultural and thinking control, this part of the world was ready again to be freed from the shackles of not knowing what they did not know.

Religious Freedom

Ironically, despite this previous new age of limited religious freedom, like the grandmother from Castle in the Sky, older citizens still sometimes taught their little ones to believe in God or consider his existence. They saw value in old ways and morality, and because it was not forced and opposite ideas were taught, these young ones had the opportunity of choosing their own beliefs over time.

Many now have returned to believe in something, but maybe with more freedom and choice than before. I personally am not sure whether or what has been beneficial or disadvantageous, but want to describe history.

Good and bad parts of American-ism have become popular, although Russia is too independent to ever be completely taken by any unflavored outside ideas. They have their own blend and version of everything.

Current Times

I am not exactly sure what is happening there right now, but I hope they continue and discover truths of history, ethics and freedom. Their language is so encompassing and diverse, with the ability to mimic sounds of most other languages. I hope their culture can do something similar, embracing religious tolerance and different ideas, as they also rid themselves of true extremism.

Understanding Islam

The actual and true religion of Islam can be hopeful and peaceful in nature. They have a strong believe against things that may erode their culture or overthrow and massacre their people, similar to biblical old testament themes. This was a protection in ancient times against barbarism and the fall of ordered society.

That may be why Islam, Jewish, Pacific Islander and Asian culture and society still exist. This ancient-times principle of protecting your culture, written law and society from attack is not so strange in context.

Unlawful Action And Harm

Unfortunately, some now use this same principle as the basis for breaking universal ethics and law, not to mention international law. The middle east suffers from western capitalism, but this does not excuse doing wrong to their own people and others.
But I do not judge them myself since I am far from understanding the details. The Muslims I've known and met are some of the best people I've come across. At the same time, among the very best people having touched my life, are Russians.

Understanding Russia

The bottom line is, Russia must do for Russia what is best, and I cannot too-freely judge. Lets give them time and let them solve their own issues. Let's also hope they remain dedicated to allowing their own people to freely think, being also open to other ideas. Love you Russia.

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